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Tried changing resolutions and all other settings and still the same deal. RIG:pent 4 3.2 ht, 1 gig pc3200 ddr 400 , 6600gt and radeon 9800pro (both giving same problem) direct x 9.0c

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Seems like artifacts caused by overheating.

but could be drivers...

Though since you tried it on two different cards which would use different drivers....

Probably overheating. Clean out dust from case around cards, fans/ect. Open the side panel and put a house fan blowing into it to the case to  see if it helps any. Install more/better fans on case,

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When I first got the game I was getting that.I changed something and haven't had to touch it since,even after few patches

I think maybe it was changing Display properties within windows,maybe set it to performance I think it was

Don't quote me, was a while ago

And like Chaos stated, same happens with overheating and are you overclocking your video?

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My previous setup had a 6600GT (AGP) and i never experienced that, what mobo and what chipset?

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Overheating graphics card. I have a 6600 GT and it overheats after playing ArmA for some time. Well I don't know what is supposed to be too high temperature on a graphics card (nvidia panel has alarm thresold at 127 deg Celcius as default, my problems start when the temperature goes to something like 75-80), but arranging extra cooling prevents problems like this appearing on my computer so... make your own conclusion from that.

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I used to have one of those (AGP) and experienced graphics corruption in a bunch of games.

They would start well but would artifact shortly after so i thought the card was overheating under load.

Turned out to be a small setting i had to uncheck in the control pannel, never had any more artifacts after that.

I think it was activate combined writting under display>advanced>troubleshooting, give it a try smile_o.gif .

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Seems like artifacts caused by overheating.

but could be drivers...

Though since you tried it on two different cards which would use different drivers....

Probably overheating. Clean out dust from case around cards, fans/ect. Open the side panel and put a house fan blowing into it to the case to  see if it helps any. Install more/better fans on case,

definetly is! But that is not the graphic card but the motherboard! Happens to me all the time once my motherboard exceeds 49°C. However I have had simillar problems with Stalker and Lord of the Rings where it has nothing to do with the temperature.. Alt+tab and back usually helps

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Just add some additional fans to your casing.

I had issues with overheating RAm modules with Arma and adding an adjustable 120mm fan, blowing air over RAM, to the side of the comp solved it all.

I also added a slow-turning 80mm-fan to the back of the comp to get out the hot air and it works like a charm. My temps inside the comp at the RAM are around 22 °Celsius when under heavy load and the gfx card never goes above 57° Celsius.

It´s also worth a try to carefully remove the fan from gfx card and replace the often-used heatpads that are not o effective with some decent heat-lube like Arctic - silver and reattach the fan. This also gave me an overall drop of 3° Celsius at the card although it runs oc´ed with the double rate at Gfx-Ram and 25 % more on the gfx-core with standard fan.

Imo, it´s a matter of proper cooling and ventilation. People do forget that there are components within their comp that are rather heat-sensitive but have n own temp-indicator, like RAM, chipset...

Adding a monster cooler to your CPU and Gfx-GPU doesn´t do much if you fail to get the hot air out of the comp and get lots of fresh air into it at the same time.

For me, this solved all my problems and enabled me to boost the performance even more as the comp runs very stable with oc´ed settings for both, the CPU and the GPU.

It´s all a matter of proper cooling.

A neighbour of mine lately called me as he had problems with running certain games. The temperatures at the diagnostics turned out to be high, but still within the limits, but when I opened the case I realized that he only had one 80mm fan blowing in fresh air at the front and the fan from the power supply to get out the air. The case was overall very hot inside and the airstream wasn´t effective as the fresh air mostly was simply taken outside the case without effective cooling of components. I addded another 80mm fan at the RAM position, blowing air over the RAM and another 80mm fan under the gfx-card that is fixed in the comp upside-down. This way the heat problems got solved and he can now play games without any problems. The fans do not have to run on full speed. Adding a wired resistor makes them very silent while still cooling the components properly.

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