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bravo 6

your own settings, Cheat?!

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but when your FPS in forest is 5, it's quite noticeable.

What video card you got? NVidia?

I used to get comparatively bad FPS in forests (fine everywhere else; even by other foliage like in dense grass and near bushes.) Turning off antialiasing and anisotropy in the global settings for my 7900GT (setting it to application-based) and just using the in-game AA and AF settings as opposed to using both, increased my frame-rate in forests noticeably. Make sure transparency AA is switched off in the control panel too, used to cause me all sorts of grief.

Unfortunately the application profiles thing doesn't seem to work for me so I have to manually increase AA and AF for games like Red Orchestra that don't have internal override settings for these, before I boot them up. I play ArmA more than anything else though, so it's no big deal.

This may not work for you like it did for me, but it's worth a shot.

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There are a lot of things in the game that are odd when it comes to multiplayer options.

on testing the viewdistance option on our server, if we set a medium distyance on the server, the server performance suffers badly with a number of players, where as we set a short distance, but incorperate a view distance option into a map so a user can select his own distance the server performance is unaffected as the load is shifted from the server to the Client for the view distance processing. As I said, this game has odd things about it.

Server side viewdistance affects the AI. Higher viewdistance means more complex line-of-sight checks. The AI's sight is determined by how far the server viewdistance is and the server-side fog (that's why AI in Evo can shoot you further than you can see when in the fog, at least in my experience).

By having a low viewdistance on the server, you are putting the AI at a bit of a disadvantage.

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Personally I prefer Player V Player, so upsetting the AI isnt very high on my list of concerns.

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Yes fullscreen NVG is cheating. Playing with grass off on a server with grass on is cheating. Increasing the zoom of your weapon is cheating. If your computer reboots itself due to heat its not a problem with the game being too demanding. Clean your fans or get new fans. Or if you overclocked everything, clock it down.

There was a guy in the same clan as me in OFP who managed to get his FPS to 600 by making changes outside the game that made the game look completely different. He claimed it wasnt cheating because it just made the game look uglier and gave him higher FPS. IMO that is cheating too because the FPS difference was soo extreme that he was about 5-10 times more agile than a normal player and when we both fired G36 at full auto his G36 was empty while I had 10 bullets left.

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i think its cheating to force me to play in 1st person view, i love 3d view and to look at the models and stuff, and get more of a movie feeling sometimes. smile_o.gif but hey thats just my opinion.

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i think its cheating to force me to play in 1st person view, i love 3d view and to look at the models and stuff, and get more of a movie feeling sometimes. smile_o.gif but hey thats just my opinion.

But don't you hate it when you get caught in third and get shot up close because of the scramble to get up your sights! tounge2.gif

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