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Can any Mods please lock this thread for me. thanks to canadianwuss i wont be releasing these anymore.

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Beautifully done. Now someone please setup and make a replacement pack. I'd do it if I wasn't so Mod-stupid

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Beautifully done. Now someone please setup and make a replacement pack. I'd do it if I wasn't so Mod-stupid

Excellent Idea! Now, i wish i was a little smarter lol.

But you are right we need a replacement pack.

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Both of your pics in the first post was over 100kb in size, 1394kb and 402kb to excact.

You've been long enough around to know about the rules: +1 WL which makes 4 now. If I were you I would double-check the rules and get familar with them. wink_o.gif

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What does +1WL mean. I've tried to find it before but never could.

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Those pics dont look any different than the originals.

What'd you do...give them MP5s and call them navy seals?


+1WL means 1 warning level (the colorful squares) You get 5 and your banned.

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Those pics dont look any different than the originals.

What'd you do...give them MP5s and call them navy seals?


+1WL means 1 warning level (the colorful squares) You get 5 and your banned.

Thanks for your awesome comments and support confused_o.gif

Oh and i suck with computers so how do i know if they are over 100kbs?

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ok ill comment.

You changed all of the classes to the sniper model so they have a boonie.

You changed the vehicle class to navy seals.

thats it.

Whats to comment on...theres no changes to the textures or anything. You didnt do anything except call it "your" navy seals.

Quote[/b] ]Report anything bad

You didnt change the pbo at all so it overwrites the original.

You didnt add groups or do anything to the config to make it an upgrade

You did disable the blood textures (by accident)

This is the 2nd time someone took this addon and called it their own without doing anything to it.

If you actually tried to retex these into some navy seals and make an effort, that would have been a bit different story.

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You didn't even read the readme... and you expect me to say this is "my" addon? I just made a simple re-do and i wanted everyone to have fun with it. If you don't like it then whine and complain to someone else, not me because i give zerg63 99.9% of the credit and i give myself 10%. If these are the type of bs comments i get then screw you guys ill just keep them for myself.

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Just get off this thread before we both get +WL then ill be banned and ill just take the addon away.

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Oh and wait one last thing, i wanted I wanted EVERYONE to have fun but its not gonna happen because you just ruined all of my confidence in doing this so im sorry if you think this was too "easy" but you know what buddy, just save your bad comments to yourself and stop being an asshole to everyone that attempts something that your good at.

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Youve got to be kidding me.

Nice acting.

I pointed out what you could have done and still could do to make this an attempt.

I pointed out that im saying this because your just taking someones work and releasing it.

You asked for feedback...why should it be "great job"?

Maybe learn from this.

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Something so childish its not even funny, i give up on doing this... i wanted to do something for the community but nope, these are the type of comments i get back everywhere i post.

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You guys stop flaming and insulting crazy_o.gif , Soon the moderetor will close this topic and do many problems.

NEEDER, Just explan what did you make?,so anyone understand what did you do, that's it.

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Ok, i made some navy seals, with the boonie hat's, mp5s, m4s, m9 silenced, and some other stuff. I'm not gonna release them anymore but if you really want them contact me at Ihopforjoy@hotmail.com (gay name i know). im leaving the forums... oh and i also contacted 2 mods.

so see ya. smile_o.gif

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To be honest if you are that bothered ingnore the critics allthough someone being critical about something can also be helpful. Canadian terror has helped me on a couple of my projects here at the forums and I can get on with him well thats just the way he is lol.

It seems rather childish yourself that you have stopped hosting them due to one small incident so I hardly see the grounds for calling him childish for pointing things out. This thread seems to be rather a mess so I think i'll just let the moderators sort things out between you two...

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I never said "he" was being childish i said "something" childish. Yes im calling myself immature right now. I wasent gonna release the SEALs in the first place until i said "this community needs some navy seals, so i did. i wrote on the below the addon link saying "released until someone gives me some negative trash" His fault

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Needer@: the small change like this will not make the community love it, I sggst you to add more things, Canadian terror wanna to advice you, so you must add many change on the config, just read agien what he says, that's will help you, and about the topic title, you must type something good, i'm sure that you will get good comments, and then you wanna release addon for every one have a fun, not for fameous things, you must go now and give it many things to your seals, for me m8, i can see any changes on the addon, really sorry about that.

you also can play in the configs, just add many many changes, that's all.

I hope you understand USMC Needer.

and sorry for my bad english.

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Before this topic is locked..

CanadianTerror has helped me on a couple of addons too.

His nickpick was polite, your gonna encounter some quirky remarks worse than that

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Closing on request.

Everybody just take 15 and relax a bit.

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