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Getting ARMA Dedi to use all 4 cores

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Is there anyway i can get ARMA Dedicated server to run on all 4 cores, rather than just 1?

Basically i want to run 1 instance of the server exe on 4 cores, ie use all the power of the server.

Any help.



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not w/o recompiling the server code with mutlicore/cpu support

(plus who knows how many internal code changes needed)

so sorry, answer is no ...

atm only way how utilize your 4 cores is run 3 servers , dedicate each core to own server and leave 4th for system tasks ...

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I tested 1-2-3-4 cores thru set affinity....no difference was seen server side.

I use FireDaemon for the server, which only gives me 1-2 cores to pick...due to this is a 2 cpu, 4 core setup. Still, no difference with 1 or 2 cores.

Anyhow...1core @3000mhz has been plenty...even on the crcti with a shitload x2 of enemy vehicles every where.

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i would not set it to 4 cores 2 is fine

run 3 arma servers bind em to one core each

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I think they are wanting to use all the power they can. It could be a cpu intense mission and being able to hit the other cores would help quite a bit.

Though as everyone said not gonna happen. Sorry.

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