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Chammys Sound Mod + FDF Sound Mod

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Is it not possible to run the two sound modifications (CSM and FDF) without suffering a crash with the game where the game just locks up and freezes?

As this has happened to me repeatedly, although when I just run one mod the game doesn't appear to crash.

I suspect this problem is down to the mods changing the same sound on a particular item. Is it?



EDIT: Bother, I just noticed that I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry chaps. confused_o.gif Please move it to the correct forum if you would.

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yes u would most definatly run into problems running two sounds mods at the same time.

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I found that FDF over wrote chammy's M4/M16 sounds!

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What happens when you try to load two sound-mods at the same time really depends on the order in which you load them, and how the sound-mods work.

You shouldn't be able to load two different sound-mods at a time and really have them work. If anything works when you do that, it's all pure fluke.

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Running both together, will create issues yes.

But if you knew what you were doing, you could combine the two with what you preferred from each.

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