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[FIX] Memory Errors back to desktop ( VISTA )

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I have my solution and now i can play arma again and not jumping to my desktop with the memory error  smile_o.gif

Dont blame arma for this error , most games with big maps and high mem usage with vista have this problem , vista bug.

Maybe this bug will be fixed in SP1 , lets hope .

This fix is mostly for high memory systems en 8800 cards systems I am using this fix for BF2 and BF2142 to.

It fixes fps , stuttering , desktop , bsod , ... bugs

Spread this fix around till vista fix this

It changes the md5 line mem 2048 in your arma.exe

I think the problem starts with systems more then 2gb memory


My system:

- Vista Ultimate 64Bit

- QX6700 @ 3.2Ghz 1164Mhz FSB

- MSI P965 NEO2 FI



- 3 x 250GB ATA

- Antec Trio Power 650W

- Arma (downloaded version sprocket) Protection Technology, Ltd. STARFORCE

The FIX   yay.gif

(You'll need to be an Administrator)

First, you'll need to grab and install Visual Studio C++ Express from Microsoft.

It's free so don't worry.

Once installed, you'll need to update it, also make sure u have latest game

patch installed.

Backup the arma.exe file, just in case. ( copy and paste it )

Now, click

Start ->Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition ->Visual Studio Tools ->Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt

(dont left click on VS 2005 command prompt though, right click on it and then click "Run as Administrator"

**If you dont run it as Administrator the fix will not work**

Then, once the black Command Prompt box is open, navigate to your battlefield 2 directory.

If you don't know how to navigate in DOS, follow this:

In Vista:

cd C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA ENTER


editbin.exe /LARGEADDRESSAWARE arma.exe


It should then come up with a "Microsoft copyright or trademark" type thingy, this means it was successful.

Type "exit" and hit ENTER, and it's fixed!

64 bit Vista users can now restart and play, 32 bit Vista users follow the next step...

In a command prompt and once again **Run your command prompt "As Administrator"**

Type this command:

BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900 ENTER

Now exit out of that box, restart and you're done!


Delete and put back the original arma.exe to remove this fix


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I believe modification of the EXE file is not allowed according to the EULA. May be a good fix, but never EVER mention to ArmA support that you did this.

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Well copy/paste the old arma exe and your safe , and this is the only solution to play on high settings.

This fix does not give one bug or error.

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Very very nice find Switch0r.

A question: Did you get blue screens with: Process has locked Pages, before the fix, and were they gone after the fix, or you never had such bluescreens?

I had those on Vista64 and wondering if your "fix" would resolve this issue.

Does the fix only work if you also add a -maxmem parameter, or also without?

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I have original arma , nothing changed , no maxmem parameter

BOD i did have before but not anymore , just try the fix and if its not working for you delete or rename the tweaked arma.exe and use the original arma.exe

before the fix i could play arma with settings on low/mid , now i have alle settings on max with no errors

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It's important for me to know the details.

Was the BSOD the same as I mentioned "Process Has Locked Pages", or different, or don't remember?

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i cant confirm the bsod bug

This only will fix the "max memory 2048" bug , also if your video card sharing memory it will fix it

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  (Switch0r @ July 23 2007,13:30) said:
i cant confirm the bsod bug

This only will fix the "max memory 2048" bug , also if your video card sharing memory it will fix it

Okay, well, im not installing Vista64 again before im 100% convinced theres a fix for the mentioned BSOD smile_o.gif

I will however have a go at my Vista32 one of these evenings and check the results. Thanks biggrin_o.gif

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  (Switch0r @ July 23 2007,11:34) said:
I have my solution and now i can play arma again and not jumping to my desktop with the memory error  smile_o.gif

Dont blame arma for this error , most games with big maps and high mem usage with vista have this problem , vista bug.

Maybe this bug will be fixed in SP1 , lets hope .

This fix is mostly for high memory systems en 8800 cards systems I am using this fix for BF2 and BF2142 to.

It fixes fps , stuttering , desktop , bsod , ... bugs

Spread this fix around till vista fix this

It changes the md5 line mem 2048 in your arma.exe

I think the problem starts with systems more then 2gb memory


My system:

- Vista Ultimate 64Bit

- QX6700 @ 3.2Ghz 1164Mhz FSB

- MSI P965 NEO2 FI



- 3 x 250GB ATA

- Antec Trio Power 650W

The FIX   yay.gif

(You'll need to be an Administrator)

First, you'll need to grab and install Visual Studio C++ Express from Microsoft.

It's free so don't worry.

Once installed, you'll need to update it, also make sure u have latest game

patch installed.

Backup the arma.exe file, just in case. ( copy and paste it )

Now, click

Start ->Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition ->Visual Studio Tools ->Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt

(dont left click on VS 2005 command prompt though, right click on it and then click "Run as Administrator"

**If you dont run it as Administrator the fix will not work**

Then, once the black Command Prompt box is open, navigate to your battlefield 2 directory.

If you don't know how to navigate in DOS, follow this:

In Vista:

cd C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA ENTER


editbin.exe /LARGEADDRESSAWARE arma.exe


It should then come up with a "Microsoft copyright or trademark" type thingy, this means it was successful.

Type "exit" and hit ENTER, and it's fixed!

64 bit Vista users can now restart and play, 32 bit Vista users follow the next step...

In a command prompt and once again **Run your command prompt "As Administrator"**

Type this command:

BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900 ENTER

Now exit out of that box, restart and you're done!


Delete and put back the original arma.exe to remove this fix


it doesn't work to me sad_o.gif

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did you reboot and where you logged in as administrator ?

For me it works huh.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

The EULA might not support this, but big deal. Just one thing; If you modify the EXE, won't that trigger FADE or the copy protection?

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Hi.For me in the command prompt it says:

EDITBIN : fatal error LNK1104: cannot oppen file 'arma.exe'

I'm running it as administrator.Any ideas confused_o.gif ?

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Fine tip!

I did not suspect this to work with ArmA as well, because it never used that much main memory.

(And I dont get BSODs with ArmA unmodified on WinXP 32bit)

Another workaround to the list.. wink_o.gif


The same fix also works for Supreme Commander while playing big maps + many AI.

Also, this works with Windows XP 32Bit version.


Here is the original thread and some additional ones

(3GB enabler > including editbin.exe)



additional sources:



This also may work with other heavy on main memory games.

Part of my boot.ini:

/fastdetect /NoExecute=AllwaysOff /3GB /Userva=2900 /usepmtimer /PAE



Btw;..keep and store your original ArmA.exe (like already told)

for future patches! Once patched, reapply (if nesesarry still)

the fix.

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Post your system specs

Looks like this is a vista memory vs 8800 mem bug pistols.gif

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Yeah,I'm with a 8800 GTS 320.Also after it crashes me to desktop after a while (a minute or less) an error message apears - something about DXT5 2048x2048 and error code 8007000e (that's what I've remembered from the message).If it doesn't talk anything to you I'll post the full error message.

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  (Ti0n3r @ July 23 2007,17:57) said:
The EULA might not support this, but big deal. Just one thing; If you modify the EXE, won't that trigger FADE or the copy protection?

This fix does not modify the copy protection and its better then looking at your desktop the whole day long

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  (Tzvetoslav @ July 23 2007,19:26) said:
Yeah,I'm with a 8800 GTS 320.Also after it crashes me to desktop after a while (a minute or less) an error message apears - something about DXT5 2048x2048 and error code 8007000e (that's what I've remembered from the message).If it doesn't talk anything to you I'll post the full error message.

thats not a memory error try using 1280 resolution , nvidia drivers are all beta

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Well sorry then , this will not fix all errors smile_o.gif

Maybe its time that you played bf2 Project Reality Mod

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Heh,no probs mate smile_o.gif Good job anyhow.

BTW,I've been playing BF 2 on my XP before.Maybe it's time to install it on the Vista untill they release the new patch for ArmA

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Guest Ti0n3r
  (Switch0r @ July 23 2007,19:28) said:
  (Ti0n3r @ July 23 2007,17:57) said:
The EULA might not support this, but big deal. Just one thing; If you modify the EXE, won't that trigger FADE or the copy protection?

This fix does not modify the copy protection and its better then looking at your desktop the whole day long

I see. And, that's my point.

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  (Tzvetoslav @ July 23 2007,20:24) said:
Heh,no probs mate smile_o.gif Good job anyhow.

BTW,I've been playing BF 2 on my XP before.Maybe it's time to install it on the Vista untill they release the new patch for ArmA

thats what i did lol , but only i play bf2 poe and bf2 PR mod

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Hi All,

I've also met this kind of problem /ArmA crashed after 2 min playing/. Although it occured for me under windows xp with 2Gb memory. I never tried under windows vista.

People who have a lot of memory think that they do not need windows swap mechanism or they set the size of the swap file manualy. I though that 1Gb swap and 2Gb physical memory would be enough for my system for everything. But I'm wrong wink_o.gif In my case ArmA crashed about 2 minutes playing. It gave me no error message just closed.

So I think you should check first wheter your swap file's size is limited or not. The best option is to let windows handle this automaticaly.

Hope, it will help some of you smile_o.gif Sorry for my poor english.

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Is it me, or am I the only one on God's green earth getting an error even before running the application?

I have the CZ version (heh) and StarForce won't even let me run the exe (and I know what I'm doing here, trust me, I've applied the above tweak(s) successfully). Anyone getting around this, or do you all have different protection software to me, which is more lenient?

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