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Is there a way to...

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Order an A.I soldier under our command to aim at a designated specific target but ordering them to hold their fire ? Each time I target an enemy soldier it negates my hold fire command.

Learning new things in OFP after three years wouldn't surprise me, I found out on how to use the Dragunov's sights just a few hours ago . crazy_o.gif

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Umm, I've just tried and it worked for me.

1. Tell your soldier to HoldFire, a red square will light up in the icon of the soldier and he should confirm with a roger.

2. Assign target by right-click an target or select it via radiomenu 2. Not left-click as this attack command overrides the HoldFire.

3. Soldier should give you a "Ready to fire!" when he is in range and well, ready to fire.

4. Order over radiomenu 3-3 "Fire". This will make him fire until that particular target is down and stop after that.

(In contrary to Open Fire, which makes him pop out the remaining targets as well)

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I use this alot. Get X amount Ai lined up on a ridge and get them to target maybe the Machinegunners and AT soldiers (And maybe TeamLeader too)

then click "ALL, FIRE" and send in the tanks :P

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If you don't mind, I have a few more questions.

1) When one of the members of your squad becomes "Away", if the player is the commanding officer, is there any way to give your current position just like the A.I (ie: #1: position EH49) similar to the request medic command (ie: #1: Medic! position EH49") instead of a move waypoint command ?

2) Is it possible to spot an OPFOR unit without the use of binoculars for the rest of the members of your squad ? In situations in which I am not the commanding officer, the A.I has issues detecting enemy units that are quite near, and all they actually do as a reaction when I solely engage the enemy, is going prone. crazy_o.gif

3) Do formations even serve a strategic purpose ? Which should I use in X situation (especially concerning infantry) ?

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1) You can't but you don't need to. Shortly after the AI asked you they are told your position via telepathy (i.e. silently) and they know it.

They just cantingly ask you because it is their way of saying: I felt back and I can't keep up with your pace, Sir!

2) No matter what your current weapon/binocular is, right clicking anything you are aiming at makes you report it. Given that it was unknown to your group before.

3) Yes, but very limited. It can help for vehicle convoys for example so every vehicle stays on road. And for main battletanks it is better to form line so all of them can engage a target in front of you without blocking themselves.

Did you finished the 1985 campaign yet? I ask because it hasn't only a great storyline but was specially made for teaching most aspects you ask for.

For example, the mission after you join Resistance is to learn revealing targets to your leader. Several other missions adduct you to commanding a squad and to give you a sense for suitability of the different formations.

So if you didn't yet, do it. If you did, do again wink_o.gif

I learned most of my OFP leadership skills in that particular campaign.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]3) Do formations even serve a strategic purpose ? Which should I use in X situation (especially concerning infantry) ?

Most formations are extremely useful, depending on the situation wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Did you finished the 1985 campaign yet? I ask because it hasn't only a great storyline but was specially made for teaching most aspects you ask for.

For example, the mission after you join Resistance is to learn revealing targets to your leader. Several other missions adduct you to commanding a squad and to give you a sense for suitability of the different formations.

Yes, I have finished it an incalculable number of times. I'm just learning to play OFP more thoughtfully after all these years. Finally bothered to use the squad commands beyond "7-2 Danger, 7-7 stay low" so the OPFOR gets cannon fodder as a distraction while I solely get the objectives done.

I don't remember a part in which formations were explained in great detail, nor where it was told that you could report enemies without the use of binoculars. But it is highly probable that the latter is caused by control key assignation issue though.

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The key binding's name is: reveal target

and it is bound to the right mouse button by default.

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