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I'm neither sure whether I got that command right, nor whether I should rather post it in the CFG-Section:

I need to get the position of the head of a soldier in either WSS or OSS. Thought selectionPosition in conjunction with the appropriate name out of the translated selections list would work. But it doesnt.

player selectionPosition "head"

works (just found it out by accident - where is a list of the selections if it isnt the translated one?) but it just returns one constant value regardless whether my character is kneeled, prone or standing.

There must be something wrong!

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The command just seems to give the position of the selection relative to the model rather than relative to a worldpos , i had same trouble but mandoble made a script to return the pose of a unit using the intersect command. its on ofpec i believe.

For the record i tried to take the returned values of this and used modeltoworld with a relpos of [0,0,0] but with no success.

Edit of course i used <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player selectionposition "head_hit"

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A workarround with intersect will be not good for my intent. I need to get the position of the head. Anyone knows a straight working command?

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Okay, because it so important I need to accept the workarround and got to calculate the headPos based upon vectordir.

can you please give me the script?

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I dont understand the intersect command. It always returns an empty array.

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The script is available by mandoble on ofpec and also in scripting thead here on bis forums .

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The selectionPosition command returns only the inital relative position of the selection (so it returns the rel pos of how it appears in the p3d file), it does not take animations into account. The intersect command probably works the same way so don't expect to get better results with it.

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I don't know if this is useful but here's a list of components that a typical character unit has.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Component Selections: 90



























































































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Thanks. I made some further scripts which allow you to check the unitpos. i.e:

Up (leaned l/r),Middle (leaned l/r),Down

I'll release it with my next mission

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