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Sahrani Soccer Schooling footage

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The sticky link is below, you can construct the name following it:


well i read it and it did not help out other then to send me asleep and as you cant be bothered to actualy help out i wont either.

misson name will be now


sorry if this is a bit rude but posting 2 times go here and read when a line with what it should be would be perfect.

You had this excelent idear now inforce it man dont be lazy.

Its for the community form the community and not from you by you. lend a hand not a finger catch my drift.

also ever heard of to much info can be bad info.

Thank about it, i just hope you dont do this to the next guy wonting to help you out

Basically you are saying "I'm too lazy to read it myself, do the work for me or forget it"

I already gave a name proposal in the first reply with additional instructions. While I can see that you are not the reading type of person, everyone should have at least enough patience to look at the examples in the sticky. There isn't even much text in it. If you're not happy with the post, you can tell me how to make it more understandable.

You tell me to enforce the standard, well I am not the enforcing party, I only compiled the sticky because nobody else would. OFPEC and ArmA:Monitor will enforce the standard by excluding non-standard names from their database. Knowing that your map can be easily found in a well-organized mission list should be a good enough reason to have the initiative to get familiar with the standard yourself.

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ok now i can show you where i get messed up on that sticky it states no spaces in the mission name but yet you posted this "Misc 11 Football [uNA] v0.01" now thats 4 spaces is this correct or am i a spaz

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I think one of you are talking about the .pbo's name, and the second is talking about the actual mission name wink_o.gif

The mission PBO could be named "armatech_is_the_coolest_guy_ever.pbo"

whilst when making the mission, the missionname can be assigned

"Misc 11 Football [uNA] v0.01"

Don't get angry at eachother smile_o.gif

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I hope you can build names by yourself after this.

Here are three suggestions, depending on the name of the mission:

<span style='color:green'>Misc</span><span style='color:orange'>@</span> <span style='color:red'>11</span> <span style='color:blue'>Football</span> <span style='color:brown'>[uNA]</span> <span style='color:purple'>v0.01</span>

<span style='color:green'>Misc</span><span style='color:orange'>@</span> <span style='color:red'>11</span> <span style='color:blue'>ArmA Football</span> <span style='color:brown'>[uNA]</span> <span style='color:purple'>v0.01</span>

<span style='color:green'>Misc</span><span style='color:orange'>@</span> <span style='color:red'>11</span> <span style='color:blue'>UNA Football</span> <span style='color:purple'>v0.01</span>

The filename is written in the same way but with underscores and small case:


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Thank you every so much now i understand it sorry for being a little rude thanks again

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just a quick update mission is 98% done

added custom sounds for the ref and players and created an audio score system

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