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SLA Desert Uniform Replacement Pack

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Link:  Download HERE

Also available at ArmedAssault.info: DOWNLOAD SLA Desert Uniform Replacement Pack  Thank you for the mirror.

Also available at ArmedAssault.de: SLA Desert Uniforms AND Vehicles in one zip file  Thank you for the mirror.

Are you tired of looking at the green SLA camo?  Do you play misions that are in the desert part of the island, or play on a modfied desert island?

This replacement pack changes the default SLA uniforms to the SLA Desert Uniforms created by Rellikki.  This works in Single Player and Multi-Player.  It is client side only, and visually changes the uniforms to the player with the addon.  This addon is not required on the server you are playing to work.

You also need Rellikki's Addon to get this addon to work.

Link:  SLA Desert Troops by Rellikki **Rellikki's NEW VERSION 1.2 RELEASED, 24-7-07**

Here are some pics of the uniforms (from Rellikki's post):

Link:  PIC 1



The "SLA_DESERT_INF_REPLACE" file replaces the infantry units.  The "SLA_DESERT_SPECOPS_REPLACE" file changes the SF units.


1) Just add Rellikki's Addon and these replacement pack addons to your Addons folder.


2) create a mod folder, place all files in folder, and then activate folder in target line of Arma.exe

Credit:  This Replacement Pack option was possible because of Colonel SandersLite previous replacement packs.  This replacement pack would not be possible were it not for him.

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Nice one kenbow, will you be doing the same for Rellikki's desert vehicles? I love playing ArmA CRCTI and that would be the icing on the cake. Rellikki's sla desert and guerilla units and hopefully vehicles.

I would do it myself but i'm getting rather lazy these days. I spend more time playing than mucking about with config files. Did enough in the flashpoint days. Oh those were the days. I'm tinkering with CRCTI but thats enough for me.

Again thx kenbow and also not forgetting Rellikki for his awesome work. wink_o.gif

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Credit: This Replacement Pack option was possible because of Colonel SandersLite previous replacement packs. This replacement pack would not be possible were it not for him.

Cool, glad it helped you. wink_o.gif

Mighty inconsiderate of them SLA to not use an all purpose pattern aint it?

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Nice one kenbow, will you be doing the same for Rellikki's desert vehicles? I love playing ArmA CRCTI and that would be the icing on the cake. Rellikki's sla desert and guerilla units and hopefully vehicles.

I would do it myself but i'm getting rather lazy these days. I spend more time playing than mucking about with config files. Did enough in the flashpoint days. Oh those were the days. I'm tinkering with CRCTI but thats enough for me.

Again thx kenbow and also not forgetting Rellikki for his awesome work.  wink_o.gif


Vehicles: Sure, I can put together a vehicle replacement pack with this addon.

Guerilla Units: Can you post a link to these?

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Guest Ti0n3r

Sweet. Thanks smile_o.gif

Btw, is the machine gunner in the first pic wearing glasses? wow_o.gif

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The SLA Desert Vehicle replacement pack is complete. See new post for info and download.

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Btw, is the machine gunner in the first pic wearing glasses? wow_o.gif

Not on my screen.

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Okay so if I am hosting a mission using these units then players can see the cammo patterns as well even if they do not have the mod?

Am I reading this correct?

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Quote[/b] ]Okay so if I am hosting a mission using these units then players can see the cammo patterns as well even if they do not have the mod?

No mate only you can see them, for them to see them they will have to download the addons and configs. They'll see the default units etc. Unless they're using modified configs or addons. Hope that helps. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Okay so if I am hosting a mission using these units then players can see the cammo patterns as well even if they do not have the mod?

No mate only you can see them, for them to see them they will have to download the addons and configs. They'll see the default units etc. Unless they're using modified configs or addons. Hope that helps.  wink_o.gif

Cheers for the feedback! That is what I suspected but had to confirm.

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Also one last question from an ignorant mod user (namely me). What's the difference between this and Relikki's existing mod? I already have his current version so I am not sure what this exactly adds?

Thanks for any feedback in advance.

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Also one last question from an ignorant mod user (namely me). What's the difference between this and Relikki's existing mod? I already have his current version so I am not sure what this exactly adds?

Thanks for any feedback in advance.

This mod replaces the BIS default units with my ones, so you can play all user-created or the BIS missions with my units. My addon was just a stand-alone addon which you could use to create missions.

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Also one last question from an ignorant mod user (namely me). What's the difference between this and Relikki's existing mod? I already have his current version so I am not sure what this exactly adds?

Thanks for any feedback in advance.

This mod replaces the BIS default units with my ones, so you can play all user-created or the BIS missions with my units. My addon was just a stand-alone addon which you could use to create missions.

Ahhhh I get it. Thanks Rellikki.

I am now much better informed biggrin_o.gif

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Hello and sorry to bring back an old topic.

I ported an Evolution mission on the island IC_Barbuda and replaced the SLA skins with those from Rellikki (rlk_dessol) which are great. Everything works fine but I can see the desert UAZ flying a few meters above the ground... and only the UAZ !

Does anyone have an idea of what can be the cause ? Could it be messed by another addon I use ?

Thanks for the answers. smile_o.gif

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