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Ofp addons to Arma

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Hey all,

I just want to know whats the easiest way to convert ofp models to work in Arma? And what programs do i need?



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Theres one easy anwer: You can't.Well not using a programme anyway, but I think you open the model in O2 and write a new config for it.But you'd have to ask the creators permission first.

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Yep, GI Joes right, no easy 2 step program to do this

As a minimum you have to;

- Open in O2 if its not Binerized

- If Binerized then un-binarizing it will cause issues likely

- Rename sections of the model

- Redo Proxies

- Rearrange animations

- Redo turret definitions

- Make a new ArmA friendly Config for the model

- Redo scripts if the model has scripts

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Yes. It is full makeover even that some think it to be a simply matter of pressing one button. The selections are usually completely wrong. If you want the OFP model to look ok when compared to ArmA vehicles you propably have to remodel and retexture it as well. There might not be enoug LODs. It all depends how good the OFP model is.

Old configs have to be deleted and new ones written from the scratch (including skeletons, weapon, ammo, magazines etc.).

Not to mention corrupted or missing files.

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