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Changing Sides?

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Is it possible to have a unit switch sides? So for example have an ally turn on you at some point during the mission or allow for civilians getting massacred as a force invades a town/village? Any help would be appreciated wink_o.gif

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As an example,

if you use in a trigger or in a script

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[NameWestunit] join NameEastGroup

a west soldier named NameWestunit will then join the east group named NameEastGroup and will so be considered as being now an east soldier, being under command of the officer leading NameEastGroup.

Same for civilians/resistance/east/west

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or say hello to C++

Ofpec should have somthing on it about C++'ing. smile_o.gif

i don't understand this comment of yours.

Can you be more specific?

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Quote[/b] ]Quote (AgentJonathan @ June 30 2007,05:38)

or say hello to C++

Ofpec should have somthing on it about C++'ing.  

i don't understand this comment of yours.

Can you be more specific?

I guess he means configwise (config.cpp = config.c++).

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