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Freeze/Hold Infantry Position Permanently?

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I'd like to hold a unit in one position at the start of the map, preventing all future movement of that unit, but still allowing it to rotate in position & engage at will: whislt still having the unit as part of my team - i.e able to see the 'reveal target' instructions from other team members.

with a normal vehcile this seems simple - remove all it's fuel - how do I go about this with an infantry unit? e.g. a sniper on overwatch in a tower etc (almost always falls out of position/moves away under fire.

any help appreciated.


soldierOne disableAI "Move" - this works for units safely placed on a solid surface, but not on 'floating objects' eg a tower top where rotating toward a target will cause a 'fall'

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For all ground units the way-point "HOLD" would do the trick.

The "GUARD" way-point is quite nice too as it can be either synchronized or not with a "GUARD" trigger, but that one will make units engage, i.e. move away to intercept the enemy.

I can not comment on the "fall down" issue as it stirs up the hornets nest.

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To keep them totally fixed in a position while they are still able to turn I use <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this disableAI "MOVE"

Turned out to be the most reliant one for me.

You´ll always have the "falldown" issue if there is too litle space for them to turn or weapons collide with object. I found it more practicable to have the them <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setunitpos "MIDDLE" for some of the objects.

What you could also do is a loop script that uses setpos and a gamelogic to teleport the unit automatically within certain intervals, while this may cause lag and could make the unit unresponsive to enemies up to a certain degree.

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