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Why the fascination with Evolution?

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4IB does play Evo semi-regularly. It makes a quick pick up game and there's definitely room for good gameplay. Playing on a public makes one subject to the public though.

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Evolution is pretty fun, learns the new player patience and humility after being humbled by some evil AI if that player is willing to learn.

Played a Capture and Hold game the other day... pure selfishness and team killing, reminded me of the worse vibes off BF2, peeps getting into vehicles and buggering off without passengers. You had to be shooting at Strykers and Hummers to make em stop for u, finally a good player let me gun on a Stryker and finally got some kills me and him stayed together the rest of the game which soon ended anyway.

Went straight into a IMOteam Evo coop server and had a good time with some good players.

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ive played both Evo and the Berzerk maps on the BDA servers.

however, i think evo provides a different gameplay experience than anything ive ever played, except for the old MS space-sim/RTS game, ALLEGIANCE.

berzerk is a good alternative to evo. you have to be a decent shot. you have to have good situational awareness. the "juice" feels good when you are sneaking around ortego.

but in the end - it seems to me - the gameplay doesnt offer anything more substantial than what i had already been playing since tribes 2; other than perhaps its claim (and admittedly, its attractiveness) as an alternative to playing evo all the time, and the geographical scale of pvp combat.

as for evo and its popularity: i think it highlights the "demand" for an mmo-style combat - sim.

i like "leveling" to get better weapons and vehicles. i like the open "sandbox" nature of the island where im free to choose how to play. i like finding a squad of people and taking down city after city. i find the "game-play narrative" to be less fractured than playing pvp in berzerk maps. there is something resembling a story-line in the completion of an evo map.

it does get to be a bit tedious, though, when you are playing essentially the same map over and over again with different groups of people. once people start creating new islands or map geographies, i think we will see evo (and perhaps its RTS cousin) really take off in a WWIIonline way.

i think it would be cool to have pvp in an evo map, though. then you could have the best of both worlds (in an Eve-Online kind of way, i guess), but given the state of the technology in arma, im skeptical thats possible. im open to being surprised, though...

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I play Evolution because it has what I want: large scale cooperative battles with good weapons selection and quasi realistic scenarios. I freely admit that I am not a competitive person, I don't care about "beating the other guy" or "winning" or points or score. I care about completing objectives. Deathmatch is repetitive and pointless to me. I don't care if I get "pwnz0red" or "pwn" someone else. It doesn't affect my masculinity or self esteem in the slightest. Can it be fun? Sure, in a Unreal Tournament setting a fragfest can be a blast, but I play military games in order to relive some of the cooler aspects of my military service. To me that means hopping on comms with my buddies and assaulting objectives in coordinated fashion --hopefully with lots of explosions and HOOAH, high-speed gear.

And that's what Evolution gives me.

Does it have some flaws? Sure. But I think it is a great template for future COOP missions and raised the bar high for COOP mission makers like myself right out of the gate.

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What drives me nuts is that 90% of the Evolution servers are empty. Evolution is designed to be a multilayer game! We don't need a server for every player. That's what Kronzky's single-player conversion is for. ;)

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Quite a few of the blank servers are due to lag and their location. Plus with evo most people want in on it at the start. Joining and having to hoof it around sucks.

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hi, my first post...

i have the game since about 2-3 weeks now. i naturally played mostly multiplayer and just touched SP when all servers where empty in early morning hours.


after the first week i was allready fed up with [R]Evolution(+) X.X Rb2 or east or whatever version....

i just cant understand why there are still about 2X evo serevers wich are mostly empty...

funny thing, for example the LSD sever playes some non evo map as often, its full or at least heavy populated verry fast. evo still empty.


the fact that you have to get a "score" to "unlock" stuff destroys teamplay...go public evo as someone wich doesnt know anyone and you will see. it gets better though as you know ppl and play on TS with those. however this just forms alliances of 2-5 man, in a hord of loners, well doesnt help teamplay for the others.

the only way i see this could be countered is to add revive instad of respawn. so they need the score but need mates to life. with respawn your mates are worth ****...(well if you are a below "lvl" 30 noob you need a LB pilot eventually biggrin_o.gif )

when i see about 5-7 evo versions i really wonder why there isnt a single one with respawn...this would keep ppl more or less together than inlove.gif

Quote[/b] ]i like "leveling" to get better weapons and vehicles.

the problem is that you cant do this rpg like stuff AND sell it as the ultimate realistic military blablabla....

"damn, i need to get 20 more kills to pick up that nice pice of "insert what you like" wich happens to be on a corps in front of me"

thats not realistic band.gif you just take it.

so a shooter with RPG element should NOT come packed with an arma like game. it would feel like a joke crazy_o.gif

i mean, i play RPG´s myself but i refuse to support a RPG arma. the need to be more high lvl and/or get better stuff than others will rid the playes minds of therms like "team" "provide cover" "selflesness" "respect".

i allready can see it as it is allready on evo to some extent... "get out of MY tank you ****** nOOb, go get your own"

if it gets like that, good night goodnight.gif

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lol it'll be a cold day in hell once I get hooked up on a server before I run an evolution match lol.. theres already a million of them.. 30 rooms with 3 people in them? lol.. ug.. people.. drop them all and join one room...lol... then you could have some fun maybe..

I beat evo too easily and after u do it once to me, it's just kinda old..

But I like Co-op..

CTF and Hold and this and that.. all the same thing.. kill

eacother.. points.. kill eachother..points.. call it what u want.. u kill eachother for points..lol..

all the same to me pretty much..

thats why I'm concentrating on making new boards that are more interesting with more to do..

weather it be more vehicles or more general originality, more freedom to roam or space to work in, or solid teamwork thats actually moderated and enforced..

I can only host like 8 on my pc until I get a server sad_o.gif.. but I keep anyone who joins it playing as a team.. if they don't play as a team, i boot them.. they rejoin and act up again.. banned... no question..

That way I at least end up with good team players only.. idc if i have 2 people on it as long as they play well together.. I've only been running this for a few days and I've already banned quite a few people..

I'm to old for nonsense.. wish i could set a minimal age requirement or maturity test for people to have to complete before joining...lol..

But I need some originality,

otherwise I feel like im playing the same game all the time..

Me and my brother are 30.. we both makes maps that are very likely to only end up on our private server..


because the little immature brats out there don't deserve to play them..

These maps are wayyy better than the crap thats out.. sorry.. bersker.. was a good place to start.. it's old now.. evo.. eh.. im over it.. ctf and pvp... working on that..

I like co-op..

Sahrani virus unleashed and a 2 ver y nice maps my bro made...

one based after Predator the movie.. sound files etc..

another, just an all out brawl to one heavily fortified base.. and i mean "heavily" lol..

all 3 are way more extreme than anything I've seen.. and we do cutscenes and all that so everything seems professional when they apply..

feel free to join us when you see the UNLEASHED server and see for yourself.... our names are D007 and DavidB.

just wish I had a better bandwidth, im on dsl 6.0 extreme and getting comcasts new and best 8.0 connection on the 5th of august.. eh, best I can afford..lol.... confused_o.gif

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i get bored of evolution because you are basically just replaying the same mission. plus you cannot use any decent vehicles so you are relying on someone else to pick you up. even when i start to get into a game it just randomly ends or kicks you off for no reason.

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I wonder why mission makers still bother making new maps really.

I started wondering that myself to why would I spend time of my life makeing missions that nobody is ever gonna play anyway or they only play it one time and go it is difficult blablabla (fill in any other complain). I used to have a week once in a month or so that I completed loads of missions sometimes like 7 or 8 in 2 weeks and they where good, but now I just cant be botherd anymore.

Then a couple of weeks ago I tough I achived victory with some of my clan mates we got evo of the server finnaly afther half the clan sayed it was crap.

Now last week I heard someone found a unranked version so they go your complain was about the ranks now we can put that on and play evo again, so the war starts again.

It does have its fun side I love laughing at the people that come on the server and go why am I a bird and when you say its normal default BIS JIP behaviour they get pissed off trow some words to your head and leave saying someting I am gonna play evo, it gets even more funny when they die they wonder why they wont respawn cause its in evo so it is normal for ArmA it sould be in every mission.

The Unknown (Depressed missionmaker)

P.S. anyone know if people can join in the playble ai's when left on?

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I don't know why people complain so much.

Many servers run Evo because the people who run (and often pay for) those servers want it on there. That's their choice.

You can suggest they are being stupid all you want, and for all I know you are right...but to be perfectly honest, if I was paying for a server I would put what I and my mates want to play on it. If you don't like it, why should I care? Because the server isn't full all the time? So what? Because *you* can't play on the server I'm paying for? So what?

Bottom line: if you want to play particular game types, run your own server. If you can't pay for a dedicated one, get a bunch of people in your contact lists who like the same game type, and run a server on somebody's PC. Or even better if you can get enough people together, form a community or clan and jointly get a dedicated server.

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