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Digg for ArmedAssault !

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Do you also want to share that 'awesome' arma news where you just found out about?   you can now!!

After the BIG social linking sites like DIGG.com or del.icio.us, there is finally a worthy 'Digg clone' for the ArmedAssault community!

With several categories, and fuctions like:

a Digg or Bury function,

News comments

Rss feeds

And a submission form to add your latest find!

In development : A special crafted 'Digg this Image', so you can use ArmA:Digg also on these BIS forums!

For website owners that use Joomla, there is a ArmADigg mambot available for download which easily intergrates the ArmA digg functions in your content.  

Checkout the ArmA:Digg website here : http://digg.armedassault.eu/html.php?id=1


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Also please explain the significance and purpose of the "diggs,"

This seems to be just one MORE step in finding things rather than going to places you are familiar with.

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Lordy, this topic leaves me disoriented AND dehydrated! I too would like to know about this Digg thing.

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In my experience, a newssource where everyone can add news is an unreliable source of information (i.e. Wikipedia)...

Also this should have been posted in [ArmA - SQUADS AND FANPAGES] wink_o.gif

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lets try clear things up.

First, its a social linking platform.

that means, if you like content of some URL ( news, images, forumposts ) you can 'Digg' that article.

Why this ArmA digg?

News is found by several people, with different interests.

therefore, not only generic news, but also other news can and will be posted on the 'ArmA:digg' site.

The site will contain links from ANYBODY, and therefore could be 'unreliable'.

im not up to judging the reliability of the submitted stories, but when a user 'Buries' a story, he'l give out a negative vote for that particular story.

Now, this Digg system can be of real use for newsposters, and normal community members to find what they look for.

Also, a particular 'ArmA:Digg' link can - depending on the popularity of the topic- boost the exposure of your website!

see ArmA:Digg as a global rating for news, and things that are popular among the community.

i hope that cleared things up!


Jerry hopper

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