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PAA into P3D

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Can someone tell me how to get my .PAA texture file into P3D format please? Oxygen documentation is very scarce in this area. I had thought that Oxygen was a modeling tool, but it seems my texture (which is actually an array of particle textures) needs to be in this format before I can make use of it in scripts.

Ta smile_o.gif

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which is actually an array of particle textures

are you going to make new drop animated particle ? than it's easy just like in ofp.

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I'm confused as .PAA is a texture and .P3D is a 3D model format. You can't get a .PAA in a .P3D but you can reference it as a texture for a surface of the 3D model.

Precisely my confusion. Take a look at what you need to reference for particles at the moment:


This is the image of what "SmokeAnim.p3D" looks like. When I try to reference a .PAA file for use in smoke textures I get a CTD and the error message:

"Warning: preNLOD format in object DMSmokeEffects\DMSmokeEffects.paa"

DMSmokeEffects.paa being a file inside my DMSmokeEffects.pbo file. This error message suggests that the texture I need to reference must somehow be a .p3d file, same as the code example here:

Quote[/b] ]_PS1 setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\SmokeAnim.p3d", 8, 2, 6], "", "Billboard", 1, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5], 1, 1, 0.9, 0.3, [1.5], [[1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5]], [1], 0, 0, "", "", _obj];

Where as you can see the smoke texture used in this particle code snippet is taken from a .p3d file.

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which is actually an array of particle textures

are you going to make new drop animated particle ? than it's easy just like in ofp.

Easy if you know how smile_o.gif if you know, tell wink_o.gif

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Hmm OK, latest news is that I hex-edited an existing BIS .p3d file to reference my .PAA instead and use that in my addon and that worked somewhat smile_o.gif

But I get an error that says that my mipmaps cannot be loaded. As far as I can tell there are mipmaps in the .PAA file.

The smoke looks pretty good ingame smile_o.gif anyone know anything about mipmaps not being loaded?

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Mipmaps are usually a separate .paa file.

Where did you get that? crazy_o.gif

Every .paa file I ever used had the mip maps stored in the same file. They're just scaled down versions of the image, used at lower LODs.

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Quote[/b] ]which is actually an array of particle textures

are you going to make new drop animated particle ? than it's easy just like in ofp.

make a flat plane in o2. map it with texture named like my_fire.01.paa All other textures have to be named in series

my_fire.02.paa, my_fire.03.paa and placed into pbo togethere with the first one. Then use drop command

Just look at the standart ofp drops - in arma there's the same principle.

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