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Are there any other good multiplayer maps out there besides evolution ([r]evolution) and berzerk?

I like evo and berzerk, but variety is the spice of life, so they say. It seems that these maps, and derivations of these maps, occupy 9/10's of the most populated servers. So what's the next big thing? Are there any server owners who have a promising map that's not getting the playing time it deserves?

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Hello there,

There are a host of good maps out there, but one has to search for them.

I cant advise you as to what maps are good or not as we may have different play styles.

Whilst I admire the tech aspect of the Bezerk maps, playing them leaves me cold as do CTF, whereas to folks like "Celery", they adore the CTF DM aspect of the game smile_o.gif

Now some servers, such as the [FUN] server have a policy not to run Evolution (due to the number of servers running it).

There you will usually find CooP custom (squad) made maps.

Also on the [LSD] server "False Prophet" runs alot of his custom maps that he makes.

So, there are a few out there.

Now, i get good pings to these, but i live in UK, so if you are not based in Europe, perhaps others can point out their local servers.

Hope this helps a little



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I don't want to steel the floor here, but I am working diligently to put out a current version of Advance And Secure (AAS) which is an alternative to Capture And Hold.  I don't like C&H personally.  This is all thanks to a scripter at 16aab.  You can read more on that below.

Shadow Company Elite's US server has some variety maps (AAS and TDM) at the moment.  Just look for the prefix (AAS) or (TDM) in the map list.  The server is currently not very popular because it's a bit new, but you are welcome to hop on and vote for an AAS or TDM map to see what they are like even if it is just you playing.  We are in the middle of stripping out coops and leaving Team vs Team on it.  

I want to try and be consistent with these 2 gametypes as I am hoping to setup some long lasting events eventually which will require a server capacity upgrade to hold 32 or 64 players.  Finding a server to enjoy is hard enough unless all you want is C&H.  Being consistent with 2 gametypes I feel will draw a crowd if they are worthy of the gameplay.  Attack & Defend can be one of them, but I look back to the BF2 days where it was teamwork over dominating a small town or city. That is where AAS wins in my book.

In the current version of AAS, I designed 2 Advance & Secure missions soon to be released most likely at Armaholic.  It is like Capture & Hold, only this has an on-screen waypoint directing your team to the base to go to (bases are taken in order) and you only have to hold it until the flag changes to secure it.  That typically can run from 30 seconds to 60 seconds or as specified by the parameters.  

At that point the waypoint shifts to the next base.  As your team is doing this, so is your opponent.  You both meet around in the middle and are forced to fight until 1 team owns all bases.  The key that they must be taken in order forces the continuous confrontation.  Picture burning a wick at both ends then when it meets it then becomes a tug of war.

(AAS) Street Justice 32 vs 32  and

(AAS) Urban Resistance 32 vs 32

All players are Riflemen and can choose any weapon at their armories.  The briefing should explain it all on the concept.

Currently exist on the Shadow Company Elite server for viewing and messing around with.  I want to work out the gameplay and put player feedback into them before a full release.

Hope I helped answer your question a bit.  AAS is my favorite.  Just needs players now and with a new release of this gameplay coming in the next couple of weeks you will see something real nice for ArmA.  Thanks to a scripter at 16aab.  Take Care.....

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Are there servers out there that are running maps on islands other than Sahrani or Rahmadi? Specifically, stuff like Ocramweb's Desert South Sahrani, or Sgt. Ace's Everon? Or maybe any PMC maps?

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Have you tried Karrilion game? Its very good. You can generate your own squad by building units at the vehicle, air or infantry barracks. You fight for special locations on the map where you can raise your own oil dereks or depots (by bringing there supply or repair trucks). Kind of cool and refreshing. It has some drawbacks, but overall is much more creative than evolution and you fight agains other players, so really cool.

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