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1.08 - Cannot create surface memory texture?

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anyone else getting this crash to desktop error? ive been getting it everytime i play since 1.08...

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Known bug. Just put a "-maxmem=512" without the quotes at the end of the command line of the arma icon.

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i just tried maxmem=1012 before (because ive got 2gb ram) and still got the crash

will setting it to 512 fix it?

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the range is from 256 to 1024, different setting works for different rig

mine have been tested from 256 till 1538, all works smoothly

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i just tried maxmem=1012 before (because ive got 2gb ram) and still got the crash

will setting it to 512 fix it?

I also have 2go of RAM but only -maxmem=512 is working for me...


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that maxmem thing is useless. Ive tried that as well as updating everything and changing every graphics setting and it still crashes.. Is this game at all compatable with ATI? seems not. the 1.08 patch is even worse.. for the 4 minutes before the game crashes to a black screen the contrast is now all screwed up at maxed out brightness

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I can confirm that setting my shortcut to maxmem=512 has solved the crashes for me

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I'm getting the problem on my NVidia setup with 2GB of System RAM and 512MB of Video RAM.

I'll try the command-line setting for the time being but I wonder how extensive the testing by those vouching for it has been. I've noticed the crash isn't consistent. Sometimes I can play for hours, sometimes ten, maybe twenty minutes.

To my naked eye (and from my perspective) there's no consistent thread to string the crashes together either?

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This game is shocking at managing large amounts of memory, a lot of people have 2GB system ram and cant even take advantage of it in a game that uses a large amount of textures. Seems like it's still designed for a XBOX.

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Out of memory error with 1GB RAM. It worked for me since I bought it. Even yesterday. I didn't change a thing. Today, it won't start anymore. It says: "out of memory. requested 286k. reserved 421k. total free 229k. free blocks 11, max free size 213k.

WTF? how can I free "reserved memory"? No success with RamBoost or alike programs since then. Arma ctd with errors, despite enough RAM should be free (according to system ram meter). Why this? One interesting thing: Arma seems not to use virtual memory, since the meter does not increase when I start arma. What is the problem here? can anybody help. BTW. commandline "-maxmem=512" did not help at all. Maybe a different error than those mentioned in the thread? HELP !!!

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Same issue for me with this memory surface error... it's proof that this game was coded with the intention of not thinking ahead.

No SLI, NO Dual core optimization and a lack of testing before they throw a patch out into the wild!! banghead.gif

Game is quite clearly not made with the intention of supporting the latest technologies available to make the gaming experience better. I mean why wouldn't you optimize it for dual core, SLI... too difficult?

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Can someone walk an idiot through inserting the '-maxmem=512' into the command line? Step by step please as I am stoopid. Thanks.

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I had the problem too.

I'm running 2x8800gtx/sli in vista ult. 64.

Downloaded the latest BETA nvidia drivers and have not had the problem since.

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I tried the -maxmem=1024 command and the game crashes, tried without the maxmem command and game crashes, and finally with -maxmem=512 didn't have any crashes until now.

Frustrating for somebody having 4GB RAM and 512 Video RAM to use only 512MB RAM.

Definitely not good RAM management by ArmA.

@BIS This should be first priority for patching!

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Just for the record...

I'm getting this "cannot create system memory surface" error randomly from the beginning. High maxmem values seemed to make it occur more often.

With the newer game versions it became much better. Running the game for hours is no problem anymore with 1.08.

But still I'm able to reproduce the error.

If I alt-tab out of the game and back in one or two ArmA runs for few minutes longer and then freezes and kicks me to the desktop with the system memory surface error.

Flush after tabbing back in doesn't have any influence, doesn't prevent the error.

My XP system (Vista is completely useless with ArmA):

Core2Duo E6400 @ 2.39 GHz, overclocked since short time, error was already there before

Asus GF8800 GTS running with forceware 162.18 beta since a Week or so, better image quality as earlier Versions but no influence on the error

RAM 2 GB DDR 533

Mainboard MSI 965 NEO

Soundcard Creative Audigy 4

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