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A question about ping.

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Here is a really noob question for you folks...

I live in a remote location. So in order to play online I have to endure pings that range from 150 to 210.

That is not really a problem for me, as I seem to be able to play just fine. I often rank in the top third on the servers I play. I see some players skipping a little on high lag activities (like flying a chopper over paraiso) but not much beyond that.

However, I've had a couple players tell me that my "incredibly high pings" are causing lag for them and affecting their game.

Is this true? Will a 210ms ping will affect other players? If so, How?

Thanks in advance for your answer.


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In my experience in ArmA, high pings (~300+) cause very frequent simultaneous killings in VS missions. The ping time creates an overlap in which the high pinger may have been killed but doesn't know it yet, yet he can still kill people. This is very annoying in close quarters CTF or DM, a bit annoying in open VS battles, but not a problem at all in COOP.

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In your example of a 210ms ping we have members from our clan who are able to opertate effectively in Coop missions, you just have to take into account slighty more pre-aim than is normal.


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Yeah COOP should be fine, and make sure u pick servers as close to your location as possible =) (Check which country the server is from on the browser list biggrin_o.gif)

The only real lag will come for others when ur driving them in a vehicle, cause then they'll see you crashing in a chopper sometimes or going off the road, only to warp back somewhere else. Otherwise it shouldnt be a problem. thumbs-up.gif

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Then dont seem to affect me, i bet there just BSing.

They dont really know how it works, over 300 and maybe but not under not these days.

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