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Night Vision

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Tonight I played my first long night game. However, after sometime my NV would flicking or just turn off. Sometimes I could bring up my [full] map then close it, it would come on. Someone suggested I play with my Brightness and Gamma but that had no effect that I could tell.

I searched for "Night Vision" but not much came up [unless it was in a multiple page thread].

I am running 1.07 Patch and was playing on Evolution 1.5b. PC stats in my sig.

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Had the same, and sum1 told me to change HDR precision from 8 to

16 in ur config file. I dunno if I ended in 8 or 16 but I havent seen the problem nomore

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Thanks -Puma- I'll try that tonight. I have no idea what that setting is (since I do not recall editing the cfg file manually).

BTW, is not the HDR setting what wacks your performance or am I thinking about something else? Or I guess did you see any negatives with increasing that from 8 to 16? Lastly, will that HDR setting revert to 8 if I change any video settings (read as you need to keep checking the cfg file as you change crap in your video settings).

Once again, thanks and I hope it helps.

Oh - anyone know if this is a known issue that may be corrected? There where a number of players on that had the same issue as I was having with NV - it was really nuts with everyone complaining about it.

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Had the same, and sum1 told me to change HDR precision from 8 to  

16 in ur config file. I dunno if I ended in 8 or 16 but I havent seen the problem nomore

Where is this config file? I want to try this fix out, but upon review of the files in Arma, I dont see any file called config.something or something.cfg.

Can you tell me the name of the file and give me the path to it please?

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Had the same, and sum1 told me to change HDR precision from 8 to

16 in ur config file. I dunno if I ended in 8 or 16 but I havent seen the problem nomore

Where is this config file? I want to try this fix out, but upon review of the files in Arma, I dont see any file called config.something or something.cfg.

Can you tell me the name of the file and give me the path to it please?

Look in C:\Documents and Settings\**your name**\My Documents\ArmA

The file will be called ArmA.cfg and it can be opened with notepad.

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This fix did not work for me.

I changed the value to 16 but my Nightvision still flickers...


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Im running 1.08 and sometimes it turns off or flickers a second and turns off, are you sure this is not a feature simulating batteries going dead? LOL

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Im running 1.08 and sometimes it turns off or flickers a second and turns off, are you sure this is not a feature simulating batteries going dead? LOL

no....the nv goggles are powered by solar power wink_o.gif

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Same issue, it's very frustrating when you're in the middle of tearing an advancing line of bots a new arse with an M249 and the NVG's go dead.

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I noticed this also, and thought it was a feature. Perhaps it is a simulation of AGC (automatic gain control). When I looked at something bright, the goggles would appear to go off, but as soon as I looked away from the light source, the green goggle vision would return. I know that nv in some other games really needed some sort of AGC

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It is not a feature. It is a bug.

Here is something i have noticed.

I had the bug in my USA version 1.06 but have not seen it since 1.08. And i noticed that when i use NightVision in 1.08, i see as though I am looking through a monocular. A round area all blacked out everywhrere else. This is how mightvision looks to me in 1.08.

In 1.06, i did not see a monocular. I got full screen night vision. When i mentioned thison Teamspeak the other night someone ssaid that nightvision is also a monocular view in 1.06. But it wasnt for me! and it was glitchy.

So i am wondering if there is some relationship between the code which puts you into monocular view adn the glitching out of the night vision.

Have any of you guys seen the full screen night vision work? or have any of you seen the bug glitch out in monocular view?


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I was fine up until this 1.08 patch. Then all of a sudden the textures flicker as well as my night vision. When I hit my map, my compass and watch will flicker. I can alt+tab but this only helps for about 10 seconds until it comes back again.

I've tried reinstalling ArmA and dare I say it I might try reinstalling Windows just to solve this issue. I don't understand why this is happening but it makes the game UNPLAYABLE as I only get 5-10 fps with my SPECS.

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I was fine up until this 1.08 patch.  Then all of a sudden the textures flicker as well as my night vision.  When I hit my map, my compass and watch will flicker.  I can alt+tab but this only helps for about 10 seconds until it comes back again.

I've tried reinstalling ArmA and dare I say it I might try reinstalling Windows just to solve this issue.  I don't understand why this is happening but it makes the game UNPLAYABLE as I only get 5-10 fps with my SPECS.


I have an 8800 GTS 640 and a e6600 as well. This bug is definitely associated with this video card.

But i do not get 5 to 10 FPS. i get 40 to 50. And so should you (except in that first singple player mission in that dense forest.. i can get bogged down i that mission as weel becuase of all the up close trees.

I have all my settings set to high. Game looks great and the FPs is pretty good.

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I was fine up until this 1.08 patch.  Then all of a sudden the textures flicker as well as my night vision.  When I hit my map, my compass and watch will flicker.  I can alt+tab but this only helps for about 10 seconds until it comes back again.

I've tried reinstalling ArmA and dare I say it I might try reinstalling Windows just to solve this issue.  I don't understand why this is happening but it makes the game UNPLAYABLE as I only get 5-10 fps with my SPECS.

I get the same thing with a 8800GTX using the latest non beta drivers except my FPS is ok for awhile until I flush the memory and the HDD is always loading, I have many other old and new games, they all run great except for ArmA sad_o.gif

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My problem with the night vision is that it is way too bright, everything is green and I cant see a thing. anyone else with this problem and any suggestions to fix it.

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if you are sure that your card support 32 you may try to turn it 32, it bugs out all the screen too bright, screen flashing, suddently change in gamma etc for me

on 16 i got screen flashing which is hardly able to notice

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I found a temporary fix for this flickering issue.

I am currently running an 8800GTS 640MB and by turning my texture detail on high keeps the flickering down. I noticed that the more textures that are displayed on my screen, the more flickering I encounter. For some reason turning the texture detail on high or very high will eliminate most of my flickering issues. But with this bug, night vision isn't the only thing that is affected. Your textures will flicker as well from high to low, also lowering your frames per second by A TON. Again, I just turned my texture detail from low or medium up to HIGH or VERY HIGH and the problem is temporarily fixed.

Hopefully they fix this in the next patch, because not only is this bug a big issue, but I believe my frame rates should be much greater than they really are with 1.08.

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as from some post and topic b4 there are a sweet points for each system that all things would run smoothly

each system its different sweetpoint, mine could go from most setting from very low all the way up very high with 1024x768, VD 3000

it still run smoothly with all set to normal when attached to a 24", the only thing that would affect my system is shedings and AA, i never use things such as SSAA and such and as long as shedings keep on normal or low without looking at far bushes and trees group in a 4~10x scope all will runs fine

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Hi all

I want the batteries to go dead!

I want random duff batteries too.

BIS find out what this bug is and then add it as a feature.

New batteries as a reload smile_o.gif

Kind Regards walker

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You know. I can't reall what made my bug go away, but I have not seen it in a liong liong time. My nighvision bug seems to have magically disappeared. I wish I could explain it but I cannot. i'm nit syre what changed for me, other than updating to


and updating my drivers to version

I think these are some beta drivers I got off the Nvidia site.

e6600 with 640 meg 8800 GTS with the same evga 680i Mobo

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Here is what I'm running right now:

The drivers listed above are the 162.18 drivers off the EVGA site, which are listed as beta drivers on the nVidia site. The nvidia site recommends 158.22 to use, so I'll download and give it a try....

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Here is what I'm running right now:

The drivers listed above are the 162.18 drivers off the EVGA site, which are listed as beta drivers on the nVidia site.  The nvidia site recommends 158.22 to use, so I'll download and give it a try....

Report back and let us know how it turned out.

As I recall, I had your beta drivers at one point, but has some issues (might have been this nightvision thing). So I rolled it back to an earlier beta, but not all the way back to 158.22.

i'll look forward to reading your results with 158.22

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I just played the whole night mission with absolutely no problems! Seems that the beta drivers 162.18 are the problem here. So, I suggest that all who are having problems need to try to revert to the 158.22 set of drivers. MAKE SURE YOU UNINSTALL THE OLD NVIDIA DRIVERS FIRST!!!

***one other note....i didn't mess with any of the nVidia profile settings except to force the game to use SLI using the program nHancer.***

Here are the drivers I used that work!

Is there any config files I can display here so people know what settings I have the game set at? Also, maybe this topic should have some of the posts (dead battery) removed and then have it as a sticky.....just food for thought...

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