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Op4 BuhBye

Simple Chopper Script for all to use!

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After my own hellish nightmare tring to get a chopper to Fly "Live" troops to an LZ, Unload them and leave "On a Deticated Server" Here it is.

Name it anything you want.sqs and launch it any way you want.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;Script By BuhBye

helo1 flyinheight 30

helo1 setvelocity [0,50,0]

helo1 setbehaviour "stealth"

helo1 domove getpos start1

helo1 setspeedmode "NORMAL"


?helo1 distance start1 < 300 : goto "land"


goto "loop"


helo1 setspeedmode "NORMAL"

helo1 land "GET OUT"

_height = getpos helo1 select 2

?_height < 1 : goto "drop"


goto "land"


helo1 flyinheight 0

@({_x in helo1} count [w1,w2,w3,w4,w5] == 0)

helo1 domove getmarkerpos "gone1"

helo1 flyinheight 30

helo1 setspeedmode "FULL"

@helo1 distance gone1 < 200

deletevehicle helo1


This was made with the chopper in flight at mission start. It flies to LZ, waits for you to get out and leaves. Once its out of hearing distance its deleted.

Change it, use it, screw it up. I dont care, its here for all to use!

A huge thanx to all that helped me out with this!

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you dont need a script for that, you can do that with 3 waypoints lol.

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@Op4 BuhBye... ummm... doing it with waypoints does work on a dedicated server...

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Ok, now I am UTTERLY confused...


In that mission there are four helis

2 MH6

2 UH60

With four landing zones.

The nearest LZ's doesn't have the "Transport unload" synchronized with the troops "Get out"-waypoint.

The other two has their wps synchronized.

The closest UH60 is a bit "scared" to land as there are some debris laying around, but he finds his spot after a short while.

And now the crazy_o.gif bit


Even on a dedicated server confused_o.gif

Not tested with more than 1 client on the dedicated, but still...

I've tried this before, and it has not worked.

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