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Simulate impacts beside player

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Hey Guy's,

just wondering is it possible to detect, if a grenade explodes beside a player?

I wanna to make some effect's like in Call of Duty if a grenade explodes right beside you you get a strange beeeeeep and a blackout for some secounds. smile_o.gif

So i thought would be cool to have this in ArmA too.

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Yeah that's what i was thinking about too.

I still did some stuff with eventHandlers but i don't know how to find out if a player was damaged by a grenade or impact...

So may with the eventHandler "Hit" or "Dammaged" but what should i put in the condition of the eventHandler? crazy_o.gif

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Actually I dont even know how to assign an EH to something whistle.gif But hey:

Quote[/b] ]Triggered when the unit is hit/damaged.

Is not always triggered when unit is killed by a hit.

Most of the time only the killed event handler is triggered when a unit dies from a hit.

The hit EH will not necessarily fire if only minor damage occurred (e.g. firing a bullet at a tank), even though the damage increased.

Isnt that enough?

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Yes but the "Hit" eventHandler also trigges if a unit is hit by a bullet but i need something it only triggers if a unit was wounded by a grenade and or impact.

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Wouldnt it be possible to check this by the

# causedBy: Object - Object that caused the damage.

Contains the unit itself in case of collisions.

parm? Just a guess you may check which class the object belongs to.

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Hmm... Yes sounds good wink_o.gif well now the only think i have to do is to find out how to script that. smile_o.gif

If there are any suggestions plz let me know!

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To "trace debug" the whole thing, have the player chat the object

Passed array: [unit, causedBy, damage]

* unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to

* causedBy: Object - Object that caused the damage.

Contains the unit itself in case of collisions.

* damage: Number - Level of damage caused by the hit


player groupChat format["causedBy: %1",_causedBy];

I'll make an example later if needed.

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Yes plz this would be very cool becouse i really don't understand how to use the causedBy thing.

I think there also should some ammo types definied in the eventhandler like: GrenadeHand, G_40mm_HE, Sh_125_HE so the eventhandler knows when he should be exec.

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It seems this is not what you are looking for confused_o.gif

in the initline of the unit:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addEventHandler["hit",{nil = _this spawn compile preprocessFile "roflcopter.sqf"}];

(maybe the wrong way to access the script-file?)


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0;

_causedBy = _this select 1;

_damage = _this select 2;

player sideChat format["_unit:%1, causedBy:%2, damage:%3",_unit,_causedBy,_damage];


returns the fellow who took damage.


returns the one throwing a grenade, firing a bullet and etc..


The amount of damage taken by unit.

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Well nope that's not what im looking for. smile_o.gif

But anyway thanks for the example i think i now do understand it a bit more. wink_o.gif

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You need to use the fired event handle.

Here is an example mission and scripts that allow you to execute a script or code, when a Grenade is thrown. You can test for a Grenade landing within a specified range of a player.


Adjust the value for the blast proximity in UNNGrenadeImpact.sqs. You need to add the EventHandler for all Players and AI that can thow Grenades, in a single or multiplayer mission.

ATM it's only setup for the default BIS grenade. If you want to add more, just update this line in the init.sqf:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">UNN_GRENADECLASSES=["GrenadeHandTimed"];

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Hey UNN and thank you very much for the script. thumbs-up.gif

It work's very well and it's coded very clean with examples to all lines. wink_o.gif

Really great.

Well so this is the only way to get this working? Just if i add a eventHandler to each unit, which can throw grenades?

I think on big map's with many unit's this can cause lag if i add a eventhandler to each unit.

Don't get me wrong the script is really greate but if there's an easyer way i would be very happy.

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