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turrets work

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I decided to share my knowlegde about addonmaking to help people starting or converting stuff from OFP, so now i will write how to do different turrets work


1 example - vehicle like BMP-1 with 2 independent turrets or it can be ship or it can be apc or...

2 example - vehicle with turret mounted on the other turret, like usual tank T72, Abram, etc. when one turret turns, other follow, but other can turn too

3 example - vehicle like ww2 tank, with 3 turrets, first on front armor with MG, second big main tuuret, on this turet M2

for the first in skeletons.h we must define those turrets in class of vehicle model

the most important thing is not in config of vehicle

the most important thing is in skeletons definition at the begining of model name definition


to make turret work independent you create class like for exapmle number 1

my_tank and there :



"otocvez_2","", ( look it remains empty)


otocvez is turret number 1, otocvez2 is other turret


to make turret work classic tank you create class like for exapmle number 2

my_tank2 and there :



"otocvez_2","otocvez",( look it has used main turrer selection)


otocvez 2 is depending on otocvez main turret movement


example 3 :








than your vez3 is front machinegun on T34, BMP3, Sherman, Tiger or whatever you like, modern tanks has no front guns, but when someone do old tank, it is helpfull


if you will do different classes like my_tank1 and my tank_2 than you can put into one addon different behaving vehicles

if you will do my_tank and you wanna do in one addon tank like T55 and other vehicle with 2 independent turrets it will not work (for exapmle define my_T55, than my_bmp1:my_t55)

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can you please post an example on how it works with 3 turrets ? 1 main gun and 2 sub ?? thank you

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Vilas is right. Without a working skeleton structure your tank will not be animated correctly.

What interest me is however can you name the bones and selections as you wish or do they have to be always the same names? Can I replace "otocvez" with "turret" without further troubles, if I change everything else accordingly? Can AI still use the vehicle if the names have been changed?

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You can name them anything you wish, just make sure you carry the name through the whole config and the model.

Thanks Vilas.

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There still is a huge difference how user made addons engage targets depending on which verison of ArmA you run. I don't know what exactly BIS has changed between versions.

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