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Helicopter Issue.

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Right now I am trying to make a mission where I have a transport helicopter that starts in the air and flys to an area, drops of the units in it, and flys back away. Problem though is the only way I can make the guys start int he cargo is to have the helicopter grouped with the squad of guys. But I want to make it to where once it lands to unload cargo, it will ungroup with that squad and fly off and go get more guys. I would normally have it be on the ground, take off, and do that. But for some reason I cant seem to make it wait for the friendly units to load up into it. If I give it a move way point it will leave before it will let people load up on it. And I cant seem to make it hold before it takes off.

Anyone able to help me out.

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Yeh, I've had the same problems myself, bastard pilots seem to ignore the load transport and bugger off straight away .... be interested in a solution too.

BTW HavocD, are you using?

Soldier1 moveincargo Chopper1

or using the "InCargo" editor thing.

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Ive been using the InCargor editor deal when you double click on a unit. Which it works if the Squad is Grouped with the helicopter... But I should probably try that command you said huh =P

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Quote[/b] ]Problem though is the only way I can make the guys start int he cargo is to have the helicopter grouped with the squad of guys.

But you don't need to have them grouped. Just use moveInCargo to move them into the chopper when the mission starts.

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But the problem with move into cargo, is the helicopter will take off before they get in. Or do I use the moveincargo as the syntax and they will be in the helicopter to start with?

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If you use the "moveincargo" command they warp into the chopper they dont move in. "Assignascargo" makes them move in.

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Ok never mind its not working. Can I get a little more detail? I put the command Soldier1 moveInCargo Chopper1 in my guy, and he doesn't warp in. Is there anything else I have to type on anything else?

Just to note, what I am trying to do is load up my guy, and my squad of 10, into the UH-60 which is going to be controlled by an AI pilot who is going to drop me off, have all my guys get out, and it will leave.

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Ah hah, got it to work now, thanks.

FYI, I believe the BlackHawk has a total of 12-16.

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Blackhawk has 12+1 cargo positions, 12 in the rear plus the co-pilot seat (which I usually occupy with a co-pilot).

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