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Earth Works and Other Objects

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I have created this new thread in order to release the first Beta of my Earthworks and other Objects Addon:

About -

I started working on these a while ago with Liberation mod in mind,

since im going to be releasing it anyway I thought why limit it to

one mod? so Hopefully It will work with all/Most Flashpoint mods

(though I know for certain Liberation Mod is fully compatable). They

work well for defensive posistions, mg nests and mortar holes whether

attacking or defending. As for multiplayer I have not tested it but I

dont see any reason why it wouldn't work. This is the First public beta

of this addon so there still maybe a couple of Lod issues on some of

the models.

In Game -

AI naturally in OFP are unable to shoot over most objects, In order to

make these addons more AI friendly I have disabled their destruction in

the config. I have done this to make it possible for the Mission Editor

to use the command This SetDammage 1 in order to allow the AI to fire

over/from these posistions.

This addon is available under "\Empty\Nik's Objects"

Features -

-7 Different EarthWorks models (with texture variations)

-5 Different Burnt tree models

-2 Variations of an Impact Crater

-Old Wrecked truck


FileFront - http://files.filefront.com/NKHolezip/;7629289;/fileinfo.html

temp Link- http://files-upload.com/254607/NKHole.zip.html

Pictures (as seen in other thread A&M discussion) -





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Excellent!  This is a much needed addition to OFP.

I did some experimenting, POPKA, with your earthworks (hope you don't mind), hoping to find a way to make the setdamage automatic.  I think I found a way.  In the config, add an eventhandler section:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers


init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\NKHole\NKStart.sqs"" ";


Which calls a script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_object = _this select 0

_object setdammage 1


Which sets the damage to 1, as shown above.  This seemed to work for me, and I didn't have to put anything in the init field of the earthwork.

Thanks for these earthworks, they look great!



Here's a FileFront mirror:


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thanks alot, I'll update the config smile_o.gif

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Bug Report:

I've done a quick test on all of the earthworks and the truck, and the following earthworks have bugged fire geo lods:

Earthworks 2 Dirt 1

Earthworks 4 Dirt 1

Earthworks 5 Dirt 2

There are parts on these earthworks where the fire geo lod extends above the earthwork itself. I would also imagine the geo and view geo lods would be similiarly bugged.

Also, the old truck wreck has a bugged fire geo lod. I am unable to shoot past the back part of the truck behind the cab. It appears that the fire geo lod extends into this area.


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The earthworks that are just mound of earth would work quite well in a Napoleonic-type mod. Nice work.

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One of the most useful addon that i've been wishing for smile_o.gif ...

It's always been hard for me to keep the firefight going on for more then 40 sec. (using default config without tweeks on the dispersion values) or so when I'm in a mission to defend some area, normally I play with low terrain detail in order to have a lot more units in action, have payed with "very high terrain"

and its kool to see how the AI gets around in order to get a good position but you know about the high poly count and it's lag issue icon_rolleyes.gif

Question: does your addon have a value such as bushes have for the AI to seek cover (hide) between it and the threat like Tank or a Gunship??

I've seen it work when I'm in a Hokum and closing in to the AI, them seem to hide, if i move behind them they go around an hide again, looks very good but only with big threats (cost) such as Gunship I think wink_o.gif ...

"thanx again for your very useful initiative"

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Quote[/b] ]Question: does your addon have a value such as bushes have for the AI to seek cover (hide) between it and the threat like Tank or a Gunship??

Possibly, All of the proper lods are there so I dont see why not though i haven't taken a look yet so I can't be certain. I'll put some more work into them in a week or so when i have some more free time.

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Quote[/b] ]Question: does your addon have a value such as bushes have for the AI to seek cover (hide) between it  and the threat like Tank or a Gunship??

Possibly, All of the proper lods are there so I dont see why not though i haven't taken a look yet so I can't be certain. I'll put some more work into them in a week or so when i have some more free time.


Only now i see this addon...i hawe little question for you as addonmaker - can you do some modifications for yours defence position?

I can not create objects (i'm gamer, not creator), buth hawe interes for build reality field position for battlefield of WW1 and WW2....and all another battletime.

Troubles with field defence for WW1 you can see this:

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Need help...

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This addon itself is little more than some very simple o2 models which has an alpha channeled ground texture slapped on top, not at all difficult to make even for an inexperianced modeler. I'll pm you just in case you miss this. If anything I may make a similar addon for Arma rather than continue on with this one, though it would make sense for me to release a final of this. What modifications did you have in mind?

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Can you modificate your objects "Earthwork 6" and "7" from short wariant to long and some highest wariant?

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