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Do YoU HaVe AnY PeTs?

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I got 4 cats, 5 fish and a Gerbil/Rat thing.


George = skinny + black

Jack = fat + black w/ a white bit on his chest

Jess = skinny black/white mottle

Toffee = long+big+sissy orange/white mottle

fish names = fish fish fish fish & fish

Gerbil name= dunno

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Duh, maybe because it´s rather annoying to look at.

It's "hacker" style isn't it?

Are you a hacker?

If yes, get a life...

If no, stop pretending.

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How about <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>t</span><span style='color:blue'>h</span><span style='color:green'>i</span><span style='color:yellow'>s</span><span style='color:blue'>?</span></span>

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<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Not nearly as annoying as this!</span></span>

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We always always had Berner Sennenhunde, about three generations of them, but unfortunately my dad now is in BOD of a company in Berlin, my mum often flies there and so noone is at home to take a look after a dog. Its ashame! And I am furious about it! I want to have a new dog soon! we got everyting here, a great forrest behind our house, a big garden in front of us, and we got some beatiful dog-ladies in our neighbourhood. I hope my dad retires soon, comes home and buys a new dog. (our dog looked pretty much like the one below, and they realy freak out when it starts snowing)



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 14 2002,11:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not just annoying style, it's annoying like hell style.<span id='postcolor'>

What really annoys me is when females (mostly younger ones) write g r r l instead of g i r l. These "fema-nazis" think it's some sort of pro-woman lib word that send a message of fear into men around the world. Whatever.

BTW, i have an all blakc cat of 14 years.

-=Die Alive=-

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>More annyoing would be this</span>

I have had a couple of rats, the first one was named Beethoven, it died from hideous tumors (no, really).

The second one was named Bradbury, and it was put to sleep due to it's agressive lifestyle. smile.gif

They both responded to their names (true), and were generally very clever. As opposed to hamsters for example.

Hamsters shit in their food and try to f*ck their own young few days after birth. No offence´to The Hamster.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Feb. 14 2002,19:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">We always always had Berner Sennenhunde, about three generations of them, but unfortunately my dad now is in BOD of a company in Berlin, my mum often flies there and so noone is at home to take a look after a dog. Its ashame! And I am furious about it! I want to have a new dog soon! we got everyting here, a great forrest behind our house, a big garden in front of us, and we got some beatiful dog-ladies in our neighbourhood. I hope my dad retires soon, comes home and buys a new dog. (our dog looked pretty much like the one below, and they realy freak out when it starts snowing)


berner_butt.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

wow.gif we have one of those as well, hudson. They are actually becoming popular with british forces germany cos it seems everyone is getting them (we got ours last year). Ours is wierd though cos his tail is all black and he hasn't really got a white strip going between his eyes at all, it just fades. he's a little git as well, he steals stuff and legs in the garden, and he struts into rooms like he ownws the place, guffs, then walks out. We wanted to get 2 but didn't in the end sad.gif we bought it in bavaria. i wanted a rottweiler (so did my dad), but i suppose its always the female with her ''whose gonna have to clean up and look after him'' mentality that always wins decisions like that.

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.........BaRteNder hAs sHiNY stUFf, And DreaMS ARe MadE oF SToOped NecRoMAnceRS, He sEeMs liKe a BanANA WrISt, HavING STRaYed To CLOse to the conSTEllaTions on thEIr ShavED SkUllS. ThE Rain fRonGs EndeD, anD a RaiN of BlOOd ComEs DoWN. DoING their Labs, and Then I’LL be GONe! THe WhoLe CiTy WAs AN IMAge, Riding the bar, He YearNed fOr tHE taste of TentaCles I could Scare OuT fRoM tHe BoULS of A gRocERy sTOre..................

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blink Dog @ Feb. 15 2002,01:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To see Cody Goto: Dogs Eating Corn!!!!!!<span id='postcolor'>

dogs will eat just about anything, my dog will eat icecubes and other things like lettece

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I'd post a picture of my cat but guess I can't post just a link to an image......I think you anti tripod people just don't know what your talking about....I posted pictures the other day of images I hadn't gone to at all on this new computer......and I went to the links and they worked.....so your telling me no hotlinking?......did you even click on the link or did you just see tripod in the address and said fuck that?.........

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rogue, hotlinking is when ya use the img tags to make the actual picture show on another site insted of the link to it.

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no wonder the dog will eat corn.. its a fucking cocker spanial.. those dongs are literally retarded.. its a trait of their breed... natural born idiots they are.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Feb. 14 2002,15:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">rogue, hotlinking is when ya use the img tags to make the actual picture show on another site insted of the link to it.<span id='postcolor'>

Well yeah I understand that but after posting images and people saying no hotlinking I posted just a link to an image nothing more and then still they said no hotlinking.....

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tounge.gif LOL hey WOBBLE... Do you have Bush as Pet ?  biggrin.gif

I've a little pet it's very cute:

There is:



Very cute  wink.gif

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This is my pet-bunny. I have to snare him, otherwise he runs away. Lately he is very calm and doesn't eat much. It saves me money, so i don't complain.... confused.gif

Isn't he cute, i guess he's sleeping here

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">fatfat.jpg

This is my pet-bunny. I have to snare him, otherwise he runs away. Lately he is very calm and doesn't eat much. It saves me money, so i don't complain.... confused.gif

Isn't he cute, i guess he's sleeping here<span id='postcolor'>


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