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Turrets and gunner behaviour

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Hi everyone,

after endless tries i finally managed to get three working turrets.

working for me, i can enter all three and they turn and shoot.

When the turrets are manned with ai, only 2 of them attack the enemy. the third one, a rear turret, 180 degrees, usually just move a second like attempting an attack. but he never fire his weapons or stay on target long enough. I think more informations on the following questions maybe help me to get around my problem with that reargunner.

is hasgunner=3 correct for a three turret setup?

how can i assign the gunnercansee value to the additional gunners?

how can i enlarge the ir detection range? values of shilka or vulcan arent noticable different to any other values i tried.

any help appreciated!


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Are you sure the AI gunners view is not disrupted by a LOD of one type or another?

I've seen that problem before.

Are u sure the AI's not actually facing the rear of the turret?

One test maybe to copy a front (working) turret exactly and face it forward at the rear, then see if it fires. If it does, only spin it 180 then and try again to see if it still works.

BTW, be much appreciated if you could post your working config. As you will see from my post, I can't get the 2 turrets to have independant movement.

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Thx Gnat, i will give it a try. After all the testing i did

with the config allready it seems a good proposal.

I will send you the config later today.

Not sure if it helps you, without the model and the named selections it is no difference to the configs posted in the forums or the wiki. i will send you a model with all the configs for the working 2 turret i think. be warned, the config is a mess since i tried so much to get it working.


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I decided to pack it all up and upload it on my server.

5,5mb sorry for that, but since my config looks like the ones posted in the forums and the wiki i think this is best.


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Lovely work mate! thumbs-up.gif love the smoke and radar and flags biggrin_o.gif

I'll have a look these and see if I can spot a reason .... all going well I'll be testing a 4 turret ship also, so that may help resolve also.


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good to hear you find it helpfull in some way.

Did you discover why your second turrets never worked?

i didnt icon_rolleyes.gif

4 turrets would be too cool, and i think if you manage 4, you can do as many as you want.

good luck Gnat wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]is hasgunner=3 correct for a three turret setup?

As far as I know that property is a simple switch and only accepts 0 (false) or 1 (true). It just tells the game whether this turret has a gunner or not.

Also, perhaps try defining primaryGunner=0 for your additional turrets, since I think right now all of your turrets have this property set to 1. I'm not sure if it will fix anything though smile_o.gif

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your the man DnA,

the hasgunner=2 and hasgunner=3 were senseless as you wrote.

And the primarygunner=0 (i deleted primary=0 therefor) obviously was the magic needed. the views of the turrets were corrected by this, and the gunner of the backturret (launcher in my case) just fired 2 nice rockets at the assigned target. Need to test how ai behave with ai commander, but these 2 rockets were the first fired by ai since i have the turret so i think it really solved the issue.

Thx alot DnA!!

Gnat, try it aswell, turret 4 should be easy job now


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lol ... cool.

I just came to this thread to write a few observations, but looks like the problem is found !  thumbs-up.gif

Couple of notes though (that obviously don't seem to affect performance)

- gunner3 proxy not defined in resolution lod (only in view gunner lod)

- memory lod turret2view not defined

From memory I think we only have to define the proxy in just one view, but can in others if we need it to appear in a different location.

no matter ... it works !!!

Now off to apply your lessons learnt to my projects biggrin_o.gif  Thx !

(my surprise was you only need 1 point as an axis definition)

EDIT: Just remembered, you may have a global over-write config type bug with your weapons, or the weapon change message is global

I dropped 2 missile ships at sea and watched from the land as a (ungrouped) soldier as they attached 2 choppers. Problem was as I watched I started seeing the "datch" (? cannon) message in the top left corner of my soldier view !

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Bah ! ..... it still doesn't work .... (as you PM'ed me also sad_o.gif )

I've tried also sorts of stuff today to get the other turrets to even be interested in a target.

There may be some hardcoding here that can't be got around ... hope not.

- Radar only seems to appear for the first turret no matter what

- forcing optics view seem to improve targeting for the player, but doesn't help the AI to select a target.

- Unless the missile turret is defined as primary = 1, it won't lock targets (for player).

- If the driver is commander then no guns work

been playing with;

gunnerCanSee =

irTarget =

irScanRangeMin =

irScanRangeMax =

proxyIndex =

memoryPointGun =

memoryPointGunnerOptics =

forceHideGunner =

primary =

commanding =

..... can't seem to get a combination that will allow any other gun than the main gun to be fired by AI sad_o.gif

At least I have 4 working turrets for players ...  crazy_o.gif

Getting late ... time to give up for the day.

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mission accomplished biggrin_o.gif

The real prob was indeed the fact that it was a second lockable launcher. since the second launcher had no radarview he couldnt attack. dont know how to get arround this.

But all guns, machineguns, cannons, autocannons should work without a prob, cause they can fire on sight. at the moment i update the link, its all quite messy,

turrets not even textured, but you can see nicely how 3 independent flak turrets open fire, and the one launcher.

But why isnt it working for you? launchers or guns? cfgskeleton and cfgmodel updated aswell?? that was something i always forgot. you need to define the new bones for any new turret in cfgskeleton and of course the animation in the cfg model.

Just try the new version of the missile carrier, its all the stuff again, sorry for that, but i fear if i try to rip it apart to a single ship to make it easier to understand i maybe ruin all i have for now (wouldnt be the first time). in the config file only the 3rd ship (missile carrier, sc9_gbe2) is from interest for now. and of course the cfgmodel and cfg skeleton as said before.

if you have probs just send me the cfg files and i try to to help as far as i can.

heres the link again, good luck m8

updated stuff


P.S: Did you spent a thought on sea mines allready? would be nice to have some, but im not sure how to handle this. Maybe you have a idea youre willing to share smile_o.gif

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Great to hear Scars thumbs-up.gif I'll go back to your files and try again. Thx

And for mines, hadn't given them much thought until now .... but thinking about it they could be VERY good for the naval extension of this game. A copy of BISs Buoy model that sits below the waterline, and that either a) has an extended GEO lod and at the slightest damage explodes or b) has a trigger attached to it that explodes when a vehicle is nearby.

This will slow down naval vessels racing around the map with no cares.

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good idea with the mines. i like the geo lod idea, could be easy to do and no additional triggers needed. i will try around a little i think.

good luck again with the turrets. try to disable "in formation" in editor, i usually do that, and give them a high rank. you tried that anyway i guess. If you can move all 4 turrets and bullets come out at the right end ai should attack as far i can say. Good luck wink_o.gif

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