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Custom Weapons/Ammo

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Prob been asked a million times but hey.

i want to give a unit only a silence m9 to start and then later on in teh game, have an ammo box with a specific gun in it.


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Firstly press this >>>>>>LINK<<<<<< and read whats on that page.

Then put this in the Initline of the unit

Removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"; this addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"; this addweapon "M9SD"

Just add more of those addmagazines for more clips.

Then place your ammo crate and put this in the initline of the crate.

clearMagazineCargo this; clearweaponcargo this; This addweaponcargo ["Whatevertheweaponclassnameis",amountinnumber]; This addmagazinecargo ["Whateverthemagazineclassnameis",amountinnumber]

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What are the codes for all the other weapons?

Also, this command removes the Soldiers Night vision. What is the command to replace the goggles?

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Dude come on, we dont mind helping people but at least try the search button. icon_rolleyes.gif

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