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why the obsession with evolution co op?

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The AI are probably the most complex thing for any game developer to create.

They've got to simulate a HUMAN playing that role. Some games like Vegas seem like their AI are a bit 'smoother' or 'smarter'. But in reality, think about it, Vegas isnt open ended, its corridor at the end of the day... the AI will spawn probably in the same places as always, and will follow only a limited set of 'orders' around a small area. This gives the illusion that they are smarter, and in one way they are, the AI are designed specifically for their environment.

Switch back to ArmA. A HUGE island, encountering MANY types of terrain, from sandy desert, to hills, to valleys, all the way to close urban areas. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to hard code AI to follow the 'smartest' set of orders for one particular area. Also it would be crappy as the AI wouldnt make their own 'choices', they would follow a few sets of 'orders' and choose between them. Giving the game a more linear feel.

The ArmA AI are flexible, they have to adapt to the environment, they perform best outside of an urban area, as the AI can get confused by the amount of objects surrounding them and how best to use cover etc etc etc. The AI have to calculate their routes on the fly, they'll follow you or take an order and immediately calculate their route, if they encounter an enemy they'll change their route, their mood/stance etc.

AI are complex, the perfection you want is completley unobtainable until some nerd somewhere can 100% simulate a human brain whistle.gif

*phew* My two cents.

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A very good speech but no matter how complex it is, the AI is still very retarded.

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The AI is very challenging and enjoyable in the right mission editor's hands.

Anyone who've ever played on a public server knows retards are seldom AI. The AI never TK or blow up vital team rescources. Maybe the AI is lacking, but they are hardly the most unintelligent opponents when playing online.

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The AI is very challenging and enjoyable in the right mission editor's hands.

Anyone who've ever played on a public server knows retards are seldom AI. The AI never TK or blow up vital team rescources. Maybe the AI is lacking, but they are hardly the most unintelligent opponents when playing online.

hahaha! biggrin_o.gif thats one way of looking at it... they aint tkers wink_o.gif

like today i was rearming my AV8 after taking ages to land it.. and someone comes along and casually fills the cockpit with bullets. He tries to fly off but crashes it into a wall. Hooray for the human being wink_o.gif

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A very good speech but no matter how complex it is, the AI is still very retarded.

I agree and disagree.

When it comes to skill the ai is worse then me. ( and thats bad )

When it comes to tactics I have been outsmarted a lot more times by those ai then by human players.


To answer the question, evolution is:

- Dynamic

- Group play

- More communication required leading to community based stuff such as clans and regulars on servers running the mission.

- New concept

- Runs well on most pcs and servers

- needs no addons

- Has a rpg effect in it ( addictive )

It has all the ingredients so why not be a suc6. Of course once everyone finnished the map I think it will be played a lot less.

Untill that time Ill trie to enjoy it to fullest smile_o.gif

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A coop going around with a plan, teamwork, and some air of immersion shooting cardboard cutouts is still better play than a QuakeMatch against the most lifelike opponents.

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The AI never TK or blow up vital team rescources.

I always get TKed by AI.

They wont TK you unless you have killed a few friendlies yourself. Traitor! :P

Or unless you were stupid enough to run in front of a tank or some infantry firing...

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