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Time Scale and Weather Effects

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Hello folks,

i have a big problem and searching the internet and forums for about 3 days now for an answer.

Now i bring my questions to you in hope on help.

I have some points i want to talk about with u guys.

Something about scripting and i think i will find my answers here.

Scripting Question 1: Time Scale

I want to implement a time scale into my missions.

Like we had in CTI missions and other missions in Operation Flashpoint.

In detail that means i want that 1 realtime second is 1 ingame minute, or just 1hour daytime (24h) like seen in the Mission Evolution v1.5a. Can somebody help me on that with an site where i can read about it or i can get tutorials or something like that?

Script Question 2: Random, Moveable Weather Effects

The best thing i ever have seen in a multiplayer mission was

an on a Marker hooked up, moveable weather effect, known from the Coop30 Mission: Evolution v1.5a.

In detail, i want to set up an Marker in any scale i want, that gives rain, fog or maybe thunder and storm under the marker area. Also id should move randomly in low speed over the hole map.

I tryed to figure it out based on the Evolution v1.5a Mission files but without explaining from the maker i cant understand that,

Rain allready has 4 files and if i only use those files my game crashes.

So i realy need help on that, i did not find an tutorial site with answers on that or other script downloadable site.

The only sites i know where i can get good answers is

Bi-Wiki and ArmA.Edit

But like i sayed, they also have no answers on my questions.

The same noHelp from the official ArmA Editing guide.

In hope for Help...

Greetz, Kev

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The rain in Evo is a neat idea, but the fog is not good. Fog is local, so while the players see fog, the AI on the server do not.

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yes but i hope with the addon it is working also in mp missions.

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Is there anybody that can give me some Links to sites where i can find answers in Editing and scripting, or is somebody here that knows how to "Accelerate Time" in ArmA?

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I used this to turn day into night instantly. You could modify it to advance alittle and loop it.

_ZeroTime = 24 - DayTime

SkipTime _ZeroTime

skipTime 24.0


_daytime = daytime + 0.06

and loop that.

You would have to figure out the math on the desimal of time vers the loop interval.

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thanks, i will work on some scripting for that.

my most problem in the moment are marker based weather effects,

so i can simulate clouds with rain or thunderstorms etc.

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It was right under your nose biggrin_o.gif

I never made a similer tutorial on time acceleration. The problem with time acceleration is keeping everyone in sync. after an hour of time acceleration you will find as much as 10 minuites difference between clients and host. I found I had to run a syncronization script on all computors once every hour and on player copnnection. People should always do this anyway for long running maps as the game does not. If a game starts at 8:00am and a player connects 30 minuits after the game started everyone elses clock says 8:30 but for the late connecter it is 8:00am (mission start time). Also Rain i think does not look good when time is accelerated as the wind speed appers to fast, there is no independent command for wind speed it is linked to setOvercast . A wind speed command and automatic time syncronization have been requested from BIS.

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thank you very much KilJoy[sFG], that helped me alot.

i was thinking about to make it an time accelerated mission but without weather. but now, i disable accelerating time.

i dont know how to script menu selection for server sided choose of weather and/or acceleration.

Also today i worked about 24 hours around the clock without bracke on allied troops ( no enemys yet ) on my mission, it will be a big one and detailed coop40. But something today pi**ed me off, and its still maken me hopeless.

I dont know how to script an respawn menu, so the players can select between multiple respawn points, for example.

Choose your Respawn location:

1. US Airbase - "respawn_west"

2. USMC Base - "respawn_west_1"

3. Mobile Head Quarter - "respawn_west_2" (Mobile Respawn)

So thats why i am about to kick out my mobile respawn now.

and thats something i dont want to.

Next step after that i need to figure out how to

make an sector captive like you did.

I want that markers disable if any OPFOR is deleated in this area.

I hope somebody like you can help me a bit more on that.

Most importend to me is that Menu scripting for server sided settings and respawn locations.

Greetz, Kev

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Quote[/b] ]So thats why i am about to kick out my mobile respawn now.

and thats something i dont want to.

As you have to use markers to define your respawn position you can move the markers to have your respawn mobile. Use setmarkerpos to do that.

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i know, but i want to use 2 respawn positions local and one respawn point mobil. and that lookes like to be difficult without respawn dialog for players that they can choose there prefered respawn location.

the only moveable respawn is that MHQ that can be moved and is an respawn location.

thats why i need to know how to setup such window, that appears after death so u can choose the spawning location.

balschoiw, we can met sometime at an teamspeak if u want to so we can german about that. its more easyer to explain things to anybody. would be nice if there was an teamspeak for modders and mappers biggrin_o.gif

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