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Unlimited ammo script

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I made this little script for one of my deathmatch maps and I thought why not share it with whomever needs it as well. In addition to unlimited ammo, it gives your gun an unbelievable rate of fire. I didn't test it on vehicles, only humans.

Here it is, just remember to execute it at some point! wink_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#start

@alive player


_playergun=primaryweapon player

player setvehicleammo 1

_ammo=(player ammo _playergun)


?!alive player:goto "start"

?_playergun!=primaryweapon player:goto "start"

player setvehicleammo (1/_ammo)


goto "check"

If you want a normal rate of fire, change (1/_ammo) to just 1.

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Sorry to steal your show Celery but I've improved on your ammo script - your version has some limits. It now works with every weapon on every vehicle. I have also translated it into .SQF:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

for [{_loop1=0},{_loop1>=0},{_loop1=_loop1}] do


   waitUntil {alive player};

   _muzzles = [];

   _weapons = weapons (vehicle player);

   _ammo = 10000;

   for [{_x=0},{_x<(count _weapons)},{_x=_x+1}] do


       _weaponMuzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_weapons select _x) >> "muzzles");

       if ((_weaponMuzzles select 0)=="this") then


           _muzzles = _muzzles + [_weapons select _x];




           _muzzles = _muzzles + _weaponMuzzles;



   (vehicle player) setvehicleammo 1;

   for [{_x=0},{_x<(count _muzzles)},{_x=_x+1}] do


       _mxammo = ((vehicle player) ammo (_muzzles select _x));

       if (_mxammo<_ammo && _mxammo>0) then


           _ammo=((vehicle player) ammo (_muzzles select _x));



   for [{_loop2=0},{_loop2>=0},{_loop2=_loop2}] do


       if (_ammo>0) then {(vehicle player) setvehicleammo (1/_ammo);};

       sleep 0.01;

       if (!(alive player) || ((_weapons select 0)!=(weapons (vehicle player) select 0))) then {_loop2=-1;};



Dare I say "pwnd".... no hard feelings. biggrin_o.gif

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Well that's the last time for me posting any scripts here if all people are gonna do is improve them!!!1 mad_o.gif

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Well that's the last time for me posting any scripts here if all people are gonna do is improve them!!!1  mad_o.gif

Is that supposed to be sarcasm or are you serious?

I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I just corrected a bug and added some functionality. I'm a compulsive scripter - I really can't help myself wink_o.gif .

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Well that's the last time for me posting any scripts here if all people are gonna do is improve them!!!1  mad_o.gif

Seriously? OMG confused_o.gif

Anyway, not taking that too seriously tounge2.gif

MadDogX, how do you paste code into a code snippet and keep prevailing identing spaces? I'm always getting those removed.

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MadDogX, how do you paste code into a code snippet and keep prevailing identing spaces? I'm always getting those removed.

I got that too, but only when using tabs. If you replace tabs with spaces they will not be removed.

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Well that's the last time for me posting any scripts here if all people are gonna do is improve them!!!1 mad_o.gif

You should be thanking him. If someone made a 2D nuke script, and someone improved it to 3D.. You sit there, fold your arms, and pout.

Thankx both of you. biggrin_o.gif

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Just because I'm feeling so generous, here is another script I wrote for the people posting here:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop

_post = position player nearestObject "Post"

?getSarcasm _post > 0:hint "Just kidding!!!";playmusic "yaketysax"


goto "loop"

It's very simple to use, I suggest people use it! smile_o.gif

P.S. Could someone convert it to SQF or even improve it for the SQS disabled ones?

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Just because I'm feeling so generous, here is another script I wrote for the people posting here:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop

_post = position player nearestObject "Post"

?getSarcasm _post > 0:hint "Just kidding!!!";playmusic "yaketysax"


goto "loop"

It's very simple to use, I suggest people use it!  smile_o.gif

P.S. Could someone convert it to SQF or even improve it for the SQS disabled ones?

I recieve an error, it cant find the music.

WTF am I doing wrong?

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Lol, awesome reply biggrin_o.gif

But I was hoping so. However, there will always be someone with thoughts like that.

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Sorry to steal your show Celery but I've improved on your ammo script - your version has some limits. It now works with every weapon on every vehicle. I have also translated it into .SQF:

Sorry for this little off topic but I see a lot of sqs file which

are translated in a sqf file.

Is there someone who can explain me why?

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