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Building destruction models

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I think that currently ArmA only has two kinds of building models: completely intact and destroyed. Would it possible to add another step between those? Like the building with a wall or two still standing, completely hollowed out, just something to provide basic cover? Would this be possible?

If yes, then this would be nice for stalingrad-like maps.

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Im wondering about something like this as well, currently a building config looks something like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Land_brana02nodoor: House


scope = 1;

model = "\ca\buildings\brana02nodoor.p3d";

armor = 200;

class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects


class Ruin1


simulation = "ruin";

type = "\ca\buildings\ruins\brana02nodoor_ruins.p3d";

position = "";

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 1;




I wonder what position,intensity, interval and lifetime do. I cant find anything about it on the wiki.

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You might be able to add a second object via the Killed Event handler using createVehicle. Perhaps the effects of the original object would mask the insertion of a new object?

But you would have to pre-load the object to prevent any delay. Doing that for every building on the map could drain your resources.

The new object would also have to be mapped to the final rubble object animation. To complete the sequence.

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Couldn't you just change the ruin config to an in between stage which would have it's own ruin?

eg, ignore obvious errors plz<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class house01 : House


model = "house01.p3d"

class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects


class Ruin1


simulation = "house";

type = "house01_damaged.p3d"; (or maybe just "house01_damaged")




class house01_damaged : House


model = "house01_damaged.p3d"

class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects


class Ruin1


simulation = "ruin";

type = "house01_ruined.p3d";





It shouldn't be too hard to test smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Couldn't you just change the ruin config to an in between stage which would have it's own ruin?

That would require simulation "ruin" to act like an intact building (simulation "house"). To find out if that truely is the case, then yes, you would have to test it.

Would be nice if it worked out that way.

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There is "destructable" buildings already in place on the default Sahrani, for example have a look at the shed at the eastern end of the docks under the radio tower at Dolores. There are 2 doors/walls that can be RPGed or crashed into.

Its no graphically beautiful to watch, but this sort of thing on a default map (ie not script placed) add a very interesting aspect to missions (hiding spots etc) and for future static addon makers.

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Quote[/b] ]There is "destructable" buildings already in place on the default Sahrani, for example have a look at the shed at the eastern end of the docks under the radio tower at Dolores. There are 2 doors/walls that can be RPGed or crashed into.

That looks like a fence type object, judging by the way it falls over. You can see their object ID's in the editor.

But at least doing it that way offers some dynamics to a map.

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I guess that the prolem is that all buildings collapse as card houses. Paper thin walls fall into neat heap that is supposed to be the ruin.

There simply is no model for a partially destroyed building or a house.

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