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crew men get in vehicle upon spotting player

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basically i have 3 enemy crew men sitting down around a fire next to their t72 and i want them to get up and man their tank when they spot the enemy.

i have a "GET IN" waypoint with "crew1 moveInDriver tank1" in it's activation field so that's all good but how would i trigger this for only when they spot the enemy?

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In a nut shell

Create a hold waypoint over your Tankcrew leader guy(who ever SL is) create a trigger with the settings blufor (detected by east) or what ever your configurement for your particular mission is, and set radius to cover the battlefield. Type of trigger set to Switch. now syncronise this trigger with the hold waypoint and when you are detected or any bluefor unit is detected they will move to the getin waypoint.

A note to make about using the MoveinDriver technique is that they will jump into the tank and you wont get the climbing in animation, they would even just jump in if the waypoint was across the map. Its a price to pay for the method you use, i dont actually know any other methos though. Perhaps OrderGetInDriver? if that exists you will have to try it.

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you need to use the following to make crew board with a get in command.

in the init field of the crew members

driver: this assignasdriver tank1

gunner: this assignasgunner tank1

commander: this assignascommander tank1

(tank1 is name of your tank)

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Then you would use the group OrderGetIn true, when triggered wouldnt you?



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Put a trigger down and set it to "X" detected by "X" in the on activation field put the "assign as" commands for each AI and syncronize the triger to the get in way piont.

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