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can somebody make me a mod that whenever push 'N', that its uses an FLIR looking nightvision instead of regular green?

Here is a pick of FLIR in RL: PIC


And here is a Script that I found for using it in ARMA:

_veh = _this

?!(gunner _veh == player) : goto "end";

setAperture 0.07;

SD_HaveNvg = true


?!(alive player) : goto "end";

?!(gunner _veh == player) : goto "end";

?!(SD_HaveNvg) : goto "end";


goto "check"


setAperture -1;

and if you could make it as close as possiable to the RL pic, that would be sweet, thanks.

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ok sry, can i ask you how I would go about doing this? I already know how to extract the PBO files, but what else do i need to do?

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There may be a value you can add to units which makes the unit visible through certain goggles, though im not sure. Anyone know?

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It has already been discussed several times but it's not possible to make a thermal vision in ArmA, mainly because it has not been forssen by BIS. In fact, as you see on the RL picture posted by griff330, IR-rays are not emitted by all parts of vehicles or ground (water and glass don't emit, but wheels do, because they are hotter), so it would require to put a value of IR emission for each texture in the game, and then to get these values to compute a 3d picture in real time because I don't think ArmA's engine is able to do this.

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1. Please use the addon request thread.

2. Check the video linked here.

Closing. smile_o.gif

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