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Geneate a random number between two values

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I was wondering if anyone would know how to generate a random number between two vlaues?

I know the random function in the game only generates from 0 to the number specified.



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Use your imagination a bit...

If you want a random number between 13 and 44 fe:

the difference is 31, so you do random 31, and add 13 to that

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_value = (random 31) + 13

this doesnt return only integers so you might wanna use the floor() function


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why use floor? i think its better to use round command

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I think the floor function is better with random function because you want each integer to have the same likehood. round can be unpredictable because it can either floor or ceil.

I might be wrong but sounds logical to me

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from wat i understan from the wiki floor Returns the next lowest integer.. so what if he's random vaule is 43.99. with floor wount that become 43? with round that will become 44.. if i got it correct

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Its better to use floor when you select something random from an array, with round the first and the last option would only have 0.5 chance while all the other 1. smile_o.gif

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hmm! lets take rundll.exe example. where you need a random number between 31 and 44..

with floor you will never get 44 unless the random vaule is exactly 44 ? right?

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Although couldn't you also use something like :

round ((random x + 1) - 0.5)

to achieve the same result?

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hmm! lets take rundll.exe example. where you need a random number between 31 and 44..

with floor you will never get 44 unless the random vaule is exactly 44 ? right?

Actually, random never includes the given number, in this case it would give a number between 13 and 43.9999

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so then you would need to add 1 to your upper value:

for the 13 to 44 example

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_value = floor(random (31+1)) + 13

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Shuko yea your right.. you will never get the number.. i did a test on it..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_a = 0;

while {(true)} do {

_vaule=(random 31) + 13;


_r = round _a;

_f = floor _a;

hint format["round = %1\nfloor = %2\nrandom = %3", _r, _f, _value];

sleep 0.5;


if you test this.. you see that floor never becoms 44.

so i see no point in using floor if you need the value 44..

i still think round is the proper way.

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