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Some info on Modern NVGs as used by US

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I found some interesting information on the NVGs as used by the modern US forces.


Here are some of the most interesting things I found out while browsing this (and other) articles:

# The goggles have very good resolution and the noise that BIS simulates when you wear them is incorrect as far as I can tell.

# The goggles have an in-built compass (which is 15 deg. off! ).

# You cannot use ironsights (M16 anyway) in conjunction with the goggles! You must use a IR pointer or tracers.

# The goggles may shut down and need to be reset if wearer is exposed to light which is too bright.

# The article says the field of view is 40 degrees, reduced for 188 degrees normal human front facing FOV (other sources say human FOV is just below 180.)

# From what I can tell in the article, the view the user has is a perfect circle.

# They are hard to use prone!

# They only work where ambient light is present, ie from moon and stars. In a dark building an IR illuminator must be used (suposedly included/attached one only works to short distance).

# The goggles must be refocused for near and far

# They self ajust for conditions

# Can be whited out by mussleflash (mentioned gun is m240G)

I would love to see all/some of these things modded into Arma sometime.

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Yes, those are some good and realistic suggestions, but if we're going to be this picky about how realistic the game should/would/could be, then there are billions of other things that need adding/changing as well in addition to the suggestions you made.

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I've used a pair for a few minutes that they allow to Helicopter EMS pilots to wear and the resolution was really good. There was no static stuff at all, and the field of view was far greater than that of ArmA. They do have to be adjusted to read the instrument panel and see out of the windsreen at the same time, though I have no idea how its done. It was a binocular type, so maybe one optic is set for close and the other is adjusted for distance.

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Yep Jackal you are right, I'm not demanding these things or anything, just would be cool in the "wargames" mod etc.

But since the community here is geared towrds realism it would be nice to have some of the easier things right in the first place, ie the "noise", the field of view, etc.

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It would be interesting to see how the user's visual precision is compared to the naked eye. It is one thing to say the NVGs have hi-res or little noise, but when you realise how hopeless the users vision in game is compared to real eyes it may well be necessary to reduce the in game NVG vision to a suitable relative level.

In real life, 20/20 (6/6) vision is meant to be normal. In my testing in ArmA and OFP, that's approximately realized using 1600x1200 screen res and maximum zoom through a rifle's iron sights. The problem is you are only seeing 15 degrees rather than the 180+ a real person can see (obviously not all at same precision).

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So is this an addon or a mod you're making?


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No no, just some details which are missing which people may not have known about. There is a chance though that I'll put in a couple of the points myself (fov, circle, noise) if I feel the urgent need.

Im sure much of this will be implemented into mods such as "wargames" as I mentioned above anyway.

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Huh interesting thatnks for that.. would be interesting to add in eventually i guess

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Moving since this has nothing to do with Addons or Mods.

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