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operation madman

cant get the breefing to work

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I use chris breefing so I dont nned to now the complicated stuff.

But anyway i The breefing wont show up in the game. I had the same promblem in ofp but then i figured it out. But i forgot what i did to make it work.

when you use chris editor script it comes out like this and this is what i am trying to get in the game.(this is a very rouf draft of the mssion breefing when i am done)

you are going to land on the beach, From their you will liberate the city and then transport the civilians out of their.


We just got intel that the russians are recruting civlians to create their own terrorist force in the name of christainty. We must stop this or they will give a bad name to christians!


you are parchuted down to this location


The russian have occupied a this city and their are civilians in their so watch your fire!


your objective is to destroy shika 1


and then destroy shika 2

I am not a christian just a mission that is a joke and the same time not a joke.

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Its called briefing.html and its in your mission folder?

You can trying to see if it works with preview in editor?

Next time when you click preview keep shift key down.

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You could try just writing it yourself in notepad or (as I do) keep a template handy to paste everything into. Here's my template (with your info in it). Copy & paste into notepad.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><html>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<h2><a name="Main"></a></h2>


<b>**Insert your date here</b>


We just got intel that the russians are recruting civlians to create their own terrorist force in the name of christainty. We must stop this or they will give a bad name to christians!


Use the br br tag to create a new paragraph if needed.



<p><a name="plan"></a>

you are going to land on the beach, From their you will liberate the city and then transport the civilians out of their.


you are parchuted down to </a><a href="marker:paradroploc">this location</a>


The russian have occupied a this city <a href="marker:thiscity">Repel the enemy assault</a>and their are civilians in their so watch your fire!



<p><a name = "OBJ_1">your objective is to destroy </a><a href="marker:shilka1">shika 1</a>.



<p><a name = "OBJ_2"></a>and then destroy <a href="marker:shilka2">shika 2 </a>



<h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Debrief: Mission Success #1</a></h2>


Stick the text you want to display for a successful mission (that uses End1) here.



<h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">Alternate Debrief</a></h2>


If you want an alternative ending (eg civilians killed etc) then you can stick the text for it in here to be activated by an End2 trigger.





Save as "briefing.html" then paste it into your mission folder.

Be sure to add the markers to the map:

paradroploc = the location where the paradrop will happen;

thiscity = the location of the city with the civs

shilka1 & shilka2 = self-explanatory

Hope this helps.

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Maybe you have the file extensions hidden and it's actually briefing.html.txt

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how about i send you guys the mission. but i dont now how? Do i need to save it to my e-mail and how do i put my e-mail so that arma nows were to send it

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I'm a Christian and this is what I use as opposed the Chris Wizard editor tool - Flashpoint Briefing Info.  I have found it easier to use that link and just edit the info that I needed.  Be careful when using characters like the '&' symbol.  I have found that some weird characters like that completely wipe out the objective and display incorrectly.

I know at 1st it can be confusing to get this to work especially if you don't know what html logic is, but if you give yourself a few minutes to go over and do it little by little testing the briefing each time you make an edit you will see how this works.  Start with the Notes section, make edits and test by holding SHIFT and Click Preview.

I use the section on that page that has the title Briefing for more sides.

You will see a section for

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

<! --- ----------------------------->

<! --- "Notes" sections per sides >

<! --- ----------------------------->

<h2><a name="Main.west"></a></h2>

<! --- "Notes" section for WEST>


Write some text here - it will be in the "Notes" section and only Western soldiers will see it.


You can use some <a href="marker:MarkerName">links</a> too.



<! --- End of Notes for WEST>

West represents BLUFOR so just change that text to what you want for BLUFOR to see in the notes.  If you read on you will see that you can add notes for any available side (i.e. east - OPFOR, guerrila - RESISTANCE, etc).  I only use east and west for my multiplayer team vs team missions.  Make a change and test it to see what it does.

Reading further you will see a section for the PLAN which is what you 1st see when the brieing comes up.  Focussing on the West side for this example, just change the text areas to read what you want.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

<! --- ----------------------------->

<! --- Missions plans >

<! --- ----------------------------->

<! --- "Plan" section for WEST>

<p><a name="plan.west"></a>

Short description of the mission for the Western side.



<p><a name = "OBJ_WEST_1"></a>First objective for the West.



<p><a name = "OBJ_WEST_2"></a>Second objective for the West.



<! --- End of "Plan" section for WEST>

If you read on you will be able to figure out the rest.  Any of us mission makers can create a briefing for you, but in all honesty learning this will be key and you will be much happier knowing how to do it.

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Hi Tom,

The reason the & character messed up your briefing is because that is a reserved character for the HTML language (like < and > are also)

Since you cannot use them in text directly, you must type out the identifier for them. Here is a few off the top of my head:

&  =  &

<  =  <

>  =  >

" = "

©  =  {copyright symbol}

so to type:  Tom & Jerry

you would write:  Tom & Jerry

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dam! i deleted It is still not working. I even put a simpple thing on the breefing which just said "test" on the plan area.

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Reply with what you want for the Objective and I will see if I can whip a basic file up for you and take out all the comment stuff so that you will be able to see a clean looking file for future mission. Under each category I list just type what you want it to say and I will get you a briefing.html

Also give me your email and I will send it to you that way.


//-----enter in text below this line


//-----enter in text below this line


//-----enter in text below this line


//-----enter in text below this line

As well as your endings.


//-----enter in text below this line


//-----enter in text below this line

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Doesnt matter how many different briefings you paste here, he is still probably trying to check if it works by using the preview button. :/

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