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Config in missionfile

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Once, long time ago, I heard it should be possible to put config into a mission PBO in ArmA. Is it true?

I tried it once (in 1.02 yet I think), but don`t remember it would work. And I can`t make it as addon, as you know, how it is with addons in multiplayer. wink_o.gif

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I just want to make an addon, which will be available only in one certain mission - config would be in same directory like scripts, description, briefing, overview and so.

What exactly you don`t understand?

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Could you please explain what you are trying to achieve by putting a config file into a mission PBO?

Edit: A-ha. That does not make sense if you don't have the whole addon in the mission PBO, right?

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In an old interview it was said that you could have addons inside missions - that is what he is saying.

It would be useful for small things that would be pointless to keep in the seperate addons folder such as animations/objects for effects.

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Edit: A-ha. That does not make sense if you don't have the whole addon in the mission PBO, right?

"Addon" doesn`t have to mean new models / textures / islands. Addon PBO can contain only config with new values for old models. For example, if you want to make Spec Op, which will be able to heal teammates, you must do it through config (of course there is also a scripted way, this is just an example).

Or how else you want to remove pilot`s magazine slots? (and leave him for example 4 of default 12)

And create a MP mission with its special mini-addon so everyone, who will want to play it, has to download the addon first? Nonsense.

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In an old interview it was said that you could have addons inside missions - that is what he is saying.

It would be useful for small things that would be pointless to keep in the seperate addons folder such as animations/objects for effects.

I'm fairly certain it was the other way around (missions in an addon pbo).

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Quote[/b] ]I'm fairly certain it was the other way around (missions in an addon pbo).

you both are sorta correct... see the MPMissions.pbo from the Demo for 'how to', actually now that you have bought this back up I'll use this method more myself.

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... see the MPMissions.pbo from the Demo for 'how to', ...

...would be really nice.

Any possibility to download the MPMissions.pbo without downloading the whole demo?


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Just missions in the addon pbo, the mission folders are just put in the pbo and the config looks like this.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMissions {

class MPMissions {

class M01Cooperative {

directory = "ca\MPMissions\01Cooperative.SaraLite";


class M02CaptureTheFlag {

directory = "ca\MPMissions\02CaptureTheFlag.SaraLite";


class M03ConquerTheIsland {

directory = "ca\MPMissions\03ConquerTheIsland.SaraLite";




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thx KyleSarnik

Missions in addons are good - addons in missions would be better


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Missions in addons are good - addons in missions would be better


How sure are you about that? What happens when you have 2 missions that require the same addons? What happens when one of those addons is updated but the mission is not? It's extremely impractical to throw addons into mission files, and ultimately it just creates more problems (technical problems, compared to just the distribution problems we have now).

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The point I was trying to highlight about the 'Missions in the pbo' senario (as evidenced in the MPMissions.pbo from the demo) is that if you extract the pbo... yes there are 3 subfolders containing the 3 missions...

But, the important point is that in the root folder is the config.bin.

So... in the config.bin/cpp you can therefore 'override/create' and whole swag of mission specific alterations to the game... Well, I actually haven't tested this, but logic dictates...

lol, however, logic is sometimes thrown out with the bathwater... Too, much on my plate atm to research this method of 'creating a addon within a mission'.

But, as I say... if you can have a config then you should be able to create specific Cfg's and/or Rsc's for that particular mission.

The only downside would be the pbo for download could get rather large!

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You can add configuration classes into your description.ext, to create a missionConfigFile for configuring scripts and features of ur mission.... but you can't Manipulate cfgVehicles, Ammo, Magazines, Weapons etc. etc. from in there, so it's simply a no go unless there is some hack that makes it somehow possible, but I don't think so :P

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Missions in addons are good - addons in missions would be better


How sure are you about that? What happens when you have 2 missions that require the same addons? What happens when one of those addons is updated but the mission is not? It's extremely impractical to throw addons into mission files, and ultimately it just creates more problems (technical problems, compared to just the distribution problems we have now).

What about small addons? Tweaks to units or weapons made by the mission maker to suit his mission? Or small things like a custom animation for a cutscene. Or a custom particle for a particle effect. Or even a custom character for the mission?

It would be very useful. In MP you would just need to download the mission and you wont get kicked for not having addons (although downloading of addons should be implemented). It would allow people to create some more interesting and unique coop missions.

Obviously major addons stay separate in the addon folder.

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Missions in addons are good - addons in missions would be better


How sure are you about that? What happens when you have 2 missions that require the same addons? What happens when one of those addons is updated but the mission is not? It's extremely impractical to throw addons into mission files, and ultimately it just creates more problems (technical problems, compared to just the distribution problems we have now).

What about small addons? Tweaks to units or weapons made by the mission maker to suit his mission? Or small things like a custom animation for a cutscene. Or a custom particle for a particle effect. Or even a custom character for the mission?

It would be very useful. In MP you would just need to download the mission and you wont get kicked for not having addons (although downloading of addons should be implemented). It would allow people to create some more interesting and unique coop missions.

Obviously major addons stay separate in the addon folder.

That`s exactly I wanted - to be able to put very small addons (like new marker icon, less magazine slots for pilot, modifying weapons and so) into mission, so players don`t have to get kicked for not having 1 kB large addon. Unfortunately this isn`t possible in ArmA and I guess it even won`t be.

Already asked on bugreport for this feature

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