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UNICON warfare for ofp.

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texturing, mate  wink_o.gif

- the basic weapon for the WTU soldier

and also

- uvmapping of the fighter and the Air-transport

- some researches for the new tank(s).

+ holidays  whistle.gif

and i play also to a hack and slash game  tounge2.gif

the last but not least:

I rework the uvmapping of the previous addons, to prepare them for Arma2 and Ofp2 or for none of them if finally I don't love them.

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soon wink_o.gif i'm really busy for now with

holidays whistle.gif

but i don't forget people, who wait for the mod. wink_o.gif

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  (D@nte @ Aug. 01 2008,01:37) said:
but i don't forget people, who wait for the mod.  wink_o.gif

Proberly a LARGE list wink_o.gif

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Finaly they where able to register me...it took them a month i think :P

Man i just wanted to tell you how great and absolutely outstanding your mods look...it seems like great work.

And i wanted to ask when will be a teaser out there?

i mean showing us pictures and pictures over the months...i was in

this topic every single day to look for news.

I think when the anims work, the weapons work just release the infantry odr so just for the people to play around with get a touch on them get new motivations to follow this one to the end.

when looking on these pictures more than just a bit looks ready for let the people test and report problems and ideas.

just for the people who visit this topic month after month! smile_o.gif

what do you say?

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2 screenshots taken from the viewport of the modeller, as you can see the project is not dead:  tounge2.gif


sorry for the aliasing, i have updated the ATI drivers, and I don't have found yet a good configuration.

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Oh so nice and sweet...plz release a teaser...plz plz plz...:)

man i cant wait to run around some dertisch map and share some bullets :P

this mods beet em all.

a small teaser would be cool.

what i ike is that its futuristic but not too much no aliens...and flying saucers just pure battle with red blood...muhahaha xD

think about the teaser.

dont let us wait so long! sad_o.gif

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hi mate, i do my best, don't forget I'm alone on this project.  wink_o.gif

and I have a lot of work

- soldiers: modelling and texturing

- vehicles: modelling and texturing

- map: landscape + modelling and texturing of the buildings.

each time, that i want a new model, i make before a drawing, which can be modified a lot of time, after that i make a 3d model and the textures. this is why I spend a lot of time on this project.

but, don't worry, i'm going to release some stuff before the end of the project, to have some feedbacks and ideas.  wink_o.gif

btw, hollidays are finished so i have more time to work on the project. tounge2.gif

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Nice to here smile_o.gif

I understand it...its just the model look somehow finished...the badguys and the good guys weapons also...

but i think it cool that you concept before you build it thats a very professionell working-method smile_o.gif

i think it would be cool just to have one good and one bad guy just for getting a feeling for it and so on smile_o.gif


keep it up^^

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This reminds me very heavily of the Mass Effect series. You make very detailed and fantastic models, I can't wait for the release!

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Hey Dante what to think of putting in there some heavy rifles like a nice shotgun...okay actualy not such " i shoot and hit 20 guys at once but not kill any of them"-gun more something like a very armor piercing non-autmotic rifle with a max 10 round magazine for short and ranged distance and small groups of enemys.

so a weapon thats not to slow but not so fast with shootig rounds...i personaly love such guns in OFP...in one of these SLX1.1 total conversions was a nice standart shotgun replacing the normal

resistance one...it was capable of an 6 or 8 round mag and made some nice holes in enemy lines xD...

oh an witout a scope...cos the muzzleflash (or was ist recoil...sry im german) isnt that good for the eyes...xD

and another idea would be a Urbancamo...

okay your idea takes place in desert but desert has cities too and the enemys would also attack these metropoles (also an idea if you do a map...a nice big city i nthe desert) :P

so why not making just a simple gray-antracid-white-camo just for infantry and maybe rifles...shotguns would fit good in streetfights.

what do you say? just an idea

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@awesomewalrus: i used some ideas from other games, the idea for the textures (colors etc etc) are from Mass effect, some ideas are alos from tv show, Battlestar Galactica for example wink_o.gif

@Cirion, in fact if i don't make a shotgun, this is because, i have for both army a gun which is like an OICW.

i don't make metropoles in the map, only medium cities, because the environment takes a huge place in the story, i mean desert and areas with rocks + industrial places.


soon, i'm going to post a picture of a city house to give you an idea of the map. wink_o.gif

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@D@nte Okay i see...its somehow nice to here but sad at the same time...i like the OICW much but...it think its too much overpowered...grenadelaucher...rapidfire...scope...suppressor :-\

think it leaves much space of variaton indeed but it isnt a nice closed quarter combat gun...

but its your choice unless we arent able to test it we can give u feedback so keep up the work.

consiedring cities...its seems you like it much like frontlines?!...

i am happy as long theres enough to hide and take cover...damaged walls and barrels...:)

as metropoles i tought of Halo2...the cities was pretty nice :P.

maybe like BF2142 the buiding blocks of skyscrapers you know...

anyway do it your way...no one forces you to do the things the people want you to do :P...this would end in endless work xD...

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well ok, after a lot of researches (pictures of north africa, other games- anno 1503, Sacred etc etc ) the first house is close to be finished. I'm going to post a picture asap.


btw the soldiers are also close to be finished, that was a pain in the arse to make the selections and the lods. banghead.gif

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Hey D@nte I was just revisiting your screenies about your fighters and curiously I looked at the box art of the original "Carrier Command" that BIS is planning to do and I actually found them a bit similar... in honor to it you could do the paintjob in classic metallic silver with red edges, so that it'd almost look like one of them Mantas... whaddaya think? biggrin_o.gif And maybe, as an homage, if you still have an armored vehicle to do, I was wondering, if it were possible to make an armored vehicle that could emulate the Walrus, being amphibious and carrying missiles, but maybe of two types? That's something that's never been done before - tactical missiles, like the AT missiles the BMPs have, and strategic missiles, like the SCUD, but with the ease of targeting that the DSF or even BAS SCUDs have (just set it up, choose the point of the map, and let it rip). Maybe even have reloads of the strategic missiles? Like, is supposed to be the future, so strategic missiles could be smaller whilst still carrying a mega-whopper punch? Now, SUCH a vehicle would ROCK!  yay.gif

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Heej D@nte  we have seen alot of cool stuff but what is what? i mean are you working on units on 1 side? (West or east)

Maybe this is a nice idea for the enemy.  

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nope, i have always a soldier for each side. the latest soldier was for West side, the previous was for the Resistance side. wink_o.gif

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a new vehicle (wip) for the WTU army: this is a gunship


as you can see, this is project is not dead tounge2.gif

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i have changed some part on the fighter, and i'm really happy of the result. now i'm going to make textures.

btw the name of the fighter is: Tanit fighter.


oh! now the name of the mod is: Thyria: sands of resistance. smile_o.gif

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Can't wait to see it skinned!

me too tounge2.gif

btw, someone could help me with some scripts?

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