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ARMA needs squad system

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ARMA is a tactical shooter. Yet there are no tactics on pub servers. It's mostly free for all team DM in a realistic setting. The tactical gameplay fails.

ARMA needs a squad system with benefits similar to BF2.

BF2 Project Reality MOD, has incredible tight team work on public servers because of this system.

Developers please take a look at Project Reality MOD for BF2 and consider adding something similar to their system. It will make playing on very big maps possible and it will improve gameplay a lot.

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Armed Assault sort of does have a squad system in multiplayer, doesn't it? In the list of characters, aren't each squad seperated by an extra space? I don't play multiplayer much, so I wouldn't really know.

I think we should have a system like this when chosing our character:

On the top there will be a horizontal row of all the squads, and when you click one it would branch out and show each character, and the users name if they are being played.

Then on the left of that list we could have an lone wolf icon, which would serve practicly the same as the others.

Just so you know, it's late and I may wake up hating this idea. But at the moment it seems simple, but effective.

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Hmmm I am talking about a squad system that actually adds to gameplay and influences gameplay.

Try BF2 Project Reality a few hours (careful though, it's not as easy as vanilla BF 2, but a really impressive mod).

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I think it is not a problem to implement such system via scripts and in-game menus.

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Hmmm I am talking about a squad system that actually adds to gameplay and influences gameplay.

Try BF2 Project Reality a few hours (careful though, it's not as easy as vanilla BF 2, but a really impressive mod).

Can you just describe it? I got no interest in installing BF2 just to check out a mod. smile_o.gif

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I think it is not a problem to implement such system via scripts and in-game menus.

ditto. This could be included in MP maps by mission makers.

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I agree that there is not enough encouragement to work as a team. And working as a team is the only way things get done effectively.

i have not being enjoying ArmA online at all lately. A few exciting moments, but lots of tking, lack of teamwork and annoying bugs are ruining the experience.

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What I have witnessed thus far is with some coops, players join only to find themselves in the middle of a bunch of objectives and not too many people know what they are doing so they wander around killing whatever they can and that can mean their own team.

For Multiplayer it is similar, but that all depends on what the mission was designed for. That is where time, testing, and feedback are huge.

I see some coops with multiple objectives designed for 10 or more players flopping bad even though the overall idea is decent. The majority of players don't have the time to sit and wander around for 2 hours trying to clear a couple of towns. They get a bit bored and leave discouraged. On those coops that you are intrigued about, I say download them and run them on your own just to get familiar with them then try to get with some folks and make something happen.

On the same note, I say it wouldn't necesserily be bad to tone down the coops a bit to less objectives and focus more on true realism on them with special effects if the mission designer can do that. A coop doesn't need 400 enemy soldiers scattered around with various things to do. Players are players and will get confused then leave. Clearing roadblocks and small towns would be fun. Even just getting to a recon spot on foot. More urban and laid back. Easy to figure out. That's just my take on it. I dislike coop, but I have witnessed some fun and some not so fun sessions as others. Kudos to all coop makers that make things happen for this game.

For multiplayer (which is my bread and butter) it is slowly picking up so I wouldn't frett much. I could give you a couple of squad sites that I know you would enjoy hanging with (adult experienced squads who play to have a good time as well as to learn and apply), but this isn't a thread to advertise so PM me and I will throw some sites with Teamspeak info out to you. I am not bored or have anything to say in dislike on this game because there are groups that make things happen.


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Yeah I've been working on a script for a Team Status Dialog which relates to the problem of squad management. It's a partial solution to this overall issue. It allows you to create squads and to take over AI team leader/commader roles. I got sick of joing missions with 60 separate team leaders and no team work. But it's currently limited to missions which include it.

As for missions, it would be very nice to see a Project Reality mission/template in place.

I think some of the team work could be achieved by limiting abilities.


1) forcing limited roles in game making players experts in their role/field only. eg: explosives/AT/AA/pilots/armour crew

2) Also limiting Actions, like repair or <some technical objective> to roles, like engineers, explosives experts, etc.

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Check out Evolution on Bis forum


This mission allows you to form your own team in the mission and pick your own objectives.

You don't have to be stuck with players who don't want to play as a team, you can just let them go off shooting what they want and let you get on with some nice tactical game play.

It's a nice solution for public servers. wink_o.gif

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