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Squad arm badge in multi?

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how do we do this xml thing or wahtever?

Can sombody please explain it step by step?

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Quote[/b] ]how do we do this xml thing or wahtever?

Can sombody please explain it step by step?

Here's the Wiki entry, which explains how to make the patch step by step.


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Hey guys, I dont understand why but my member stuff is showing up in game, but not the squad info help.gif

Squad page also works fine... Any Ideas???

Squad XML webpage

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<?DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd"?>

<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>

<squad nick="AF">





<title>TEAM WARFARE</title>

<member id="******">




<remark>ArmAFraG Admin</remark>



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Just wondering, how do the textures work for vehicles? Do they just appear on the side once someone in the squad get's in?

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yep thats pretty much it, seen it workin... but mine wont confused_o.gif

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd"?>

<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>

<squad nick="AF">





<title>TEAM WARFARE</title>

<member id="******" nick="type in your profile name">




<remark>ArmAFraG Admin</remark>



Please see the bold changes in your xml. These parts are different to my xml. Maybe it solves your problem.

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Well we finally got ours working and I thought I would come back here to report what was causing our problem, just in case this happens to anyone else.

Our first mistake was using the stars in our clan tags "*TLC*". The stars must conflict somehow with the way the file is read. Drako over at MDx figured that one out and corrected the files and had it working on his site, but for some reason it still wasn't working on ours. Today he figured out that we had different users on the server using different URL's to the squad.xml; as we were trying to test different hosters to see where the problem laid. Well it turned out to be just that. When you have two or more players calling the same XML file from two different locations it causes the server to only pull the XML info and somehow blocks the picture from being shown. I had all my guys change the squad info back to our original URL, restarted the server, and BOOYAA!!! Squad logo now showing on all vehicles and arm patch is working.

I would have never figured this one out. THANK YOU Drako SO MUCH - YOU 'DA MAN - We are new to ArmA/OFP and the help we have received so far from the community has been outstanding to say the least. This is not an easy game on the backend if you are new to it, and it's good to see people willing to help those of us that are new to the community.

Thanks again Drako, really appreciate the help.

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Just for the record, you can't have *'s in your "NICK" i guess for your clan tag cause it wasn't working with ours *=SAS=*.

NOW, i have it working, but its not transparent, and i've tried so many things.. I want it to NOT have the white in it. I've tried the "help\export transparent image" in adobe, that didn't seem to help. anyone have any ideas?


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Guys having a problem with our XML logo.

Upon connecting to a server this error comes up (obviously its not Nick for them but you get the idea)


Any help would be greatly welcomed.

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For TrunkzJr here is your logo saved in the .paa version, this way the background is now invisible  squadlogo.paa

But you need to make sure that your squad.xml is lookin for the correct image,this is from my squad.xml

Quote[/b] ] <squad nick="AF">




<picture><span style='color:red'>sqd_logo.paa</span></picture>

<title>TEAM WARFARE</title>

It can take a while to update itself somtimes so just edit as above and leave it...

Cobra dont know what youve set it to look for but it has to on a webserver e.g. :http://www.yoursite.com/squad.xml not lookin in c:/documents etc.etc.

Click my sig and go on my forums and i'll sort your squad.xml out for ya ,and host it as well if you need it wink_o.gif

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k having problems again. It worked great, then when i came home and played, it showed it in black, then it showed it in white [those are the 2 others i used before] why is it showing them again when i uploaded the file that you gave me Kello? Is there some kinda folder where it added the old files and i'd have to delete them?


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if you send me the files for your squad.xml i'll have a look, i think it saves the picture somewhere, because for me it took 2 days to update when i changed my sqdlogo...If you played on a new pc for the first time, then it would show straight away...

Click on my sig and pm me in my forums with your msn addy or xfire wink_o.gif

Cobra if you send me the pic i'll have a look at it and see if there anythin wrong with it biggrin_o.gif

Size should be 256x256 .paa file for ingame

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Quote[/b] ]I been trying to get my squad logo to work but it will not display on the vehicles. Any help would be very appreciated!

http://redirect.veteransresurrected.com/ArmA/squad/squad.xml Is the link to my squad.xml

http://redirect.veteransresurrected.com/ArmA/squad/resurrectedv3.paa for my logo

Thanks in advance!

The syntax is wrong. Your missing all the clan details for the XML. I suggest you give the Squad.xml page on the Wiki a read and try fixing the problem.


For those having problems with different images changing them selves in game, I recommend you go to C:/document and settings/your user name/local settings/application data/arma and look for any folder named tmp**** something and delete it. It is tempory files created by ArmA for when you connect to the server. This makes a cache of squad xml logo's and custom faces etc.

If you delete it, it wont have anywhere to load it from and it should fix the issue.

PS: Hidden files and folders need to be shown to find the folder.

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I'm confused what i'm missing. I'm looking at it and everyting is there in the xml. banghead.gif

I can see all the clan info ingame just not the image. =/

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I'm confused about one thing. On the wiki it says the logo must be 64x64 pixels, but on here some of you guys said 128x128. Is one for vehicle and another for shoulder patch?

EDIT: Also, it can be a PNG instead of a PAA correct?

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You are missing the squad info itself in the squad.xml. When I am looking at that xml file all I see is player info. There should be a single block of xml defining the image, clan name etc. Look at the wiki and you'll notice theres one needed for the clan, and a different one for each member.

@Sand Flea

Its x^2 x y^2 or something.





Use one of them, but remember the large it is then the larger the file size.. and if its big you get problems.

I would use 128x128 if your logo is some kind of image logo with some detail, it should work ok.

PNG do not work as far as I know, only PAA for transparency.

JPG also work but do not have transparency.

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@jason Dude you totally lost me its right there dont know why you cant see it but I do.

<squad nick="<((V))>">

<name>Veterans Resurrected</name>




<title>We Are Imortal!</title>

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There you go Cobra mate that should work now, file you had wasnt right, there were no alpha channels...;)

sqglogo.paa file

Finepoints, your squad.xml works fine but your logo.paa is not right, send me the pic as a .png or .gif and i'll sort it for ya thumbs-up.gif

Again pic should originally be 256x256

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Its x^2 x y^2 or something.





Use one of them, but remember the large it is then the larger the file size.. and if its big you get problems.

I thought 256x256 pixels was the largest size possible. Can anyone verify that they've got it working at 512x512?



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