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Delores Bridge Mission

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I don't seem able to blow the bridge. When the guy says flash flash flash, I hit the detenator and they explode but the bridge does not come down. After a min or two the guys tells me again to blow the brdge. Where do I place the charges. I have tried to place them directly under the bridge by crawling in the small space underneath, I have tried to swim out and place them on the supports in the water, but I seem to lose my satchels after only placing one or two. Can someone tell me exactly where to place them. I would appreciate it.



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Drop all your kit under the bridge except two satchel charges. swim to first post. drop them. get another two drop them at the post next to it. grab your kit and leg it. target indicators not very accurate. Suggest going backwards and forwards, as I tended to drop everything at once, which left me with no kit.

Good shooting.

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I was able to blow up the bridge by placing all 5 of them at the base of the bridge just under it.

BTW when you are getting out that section of town after blowing the bridge, you are told that there is a boat near bridge number 3.

I went that way but didn't see any boat. I did hear something above me, so I looked up into the sky and saw a T-72 falling from a great distance. I was stunned at the site of it. The tank landed on the other side of the river and it's surviving crew member bailed out and started shooting at me. pistols.gif I gunned him down and swam over to the tank. There was not a scratch on it and it was close enough to the shore that I could get in and drive away. LOL!

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i did this campaign my way, thinking if i'm all alone out there facing a convoy or armoured vehicles and couple dozens foot solider, i did it the coward way, rofl.gif

after placing all 5 charges under the bridge, i proceeded to hide near the ammo stash... flash flash flash came and i detonate... bridge didnt collapse... fire a couple of AT rounds at 2 tanks that have crossed the bridge, and the bridge collapse...

soldiers from the ural truck bailed, and started taking shots at me... i nailed a couple of them and ran back to hiding...

at this point of time an enemy popped out from nowhere and i took aim, but to my horror, i had no bullets and magazines left... and so, i ran towards the outskirt of the city where the river bank is, and took a detour round the city, all the time avoiding enemy firing at me from the opposite bank...

took a detour, and am almost back at the ammo stash where i spotted a t72 getting stuck in a building wall... fired 3 AT rounds at it and tank stood as good as new... made my way to the ammo stash and reload myself good... took more AT rounds and made sure i stock up for my rifle as well... this time the same soldier appeared but this time i nailed him...

made my way back to the t72 and fired one round at it.. tank destroyed and one crew bailed out, started firing at me... tank exploded, taking out the crew with him...

at this point, instead of making my way towards the squad, i headed the other direction... crossed a bridge, saw a friendly and a humvee... wanted to board the humvee, damn it was locked... peeped down river, i saw a boat... checked my map, river doesnt lead me anywhere, so i abandoned the idea of a boat ride...

keep running northwards, i am into another area with another bridge... spotted a friendly running frantically... spotted a red car and ran towards it, LOCKED again... saw a blue car and realised there was a driver inside... wooopiee... jumped right into the passenger seat but car didnt move... lol... got out of car, raised my m4 rifle, took aim, and headshot the civilian driver... hopped into the driver side and drove the car into the evac point... mission accomplished..

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Heh, it seems everyone completes this mission in a different way. With me the bridge did not collapse aswell. So I then proceeded to kill the entire armored force myself, Rambo style biggrin_o.gif . I must have knocked out around 4 T72's and about the same number of BMP's. I destroyed the ural with all troops still inside it with an AT4 aswell. When everyone was dead I destroyed the bridge, walked towards the US positions and hopped into a HMMV and drove off.

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