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Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

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Chernobyl MOD v1.0

Hi to all

I really like this MOD because the LARGE map and the sticky soundtracks icon_rolleyes.gif

I was wondering if others are working on "Chernobyl" missions.

Well i am working on a mission pack  (a fiction one) AND i can use some help

small update - 1 april 2007

Story line:

Years after the major excident at Chernobyl, things looks quited... But in a covert operation the Americans are searching for unused chemical matrials and remains of Russian labs. The local civillians notich straings things around them... like missing police men and other VIP's and seeing of "Living Dead". The russian coverment send a Special Observation Unit to Chernobyl, to find out what really is happening there. you are one of those Russian soldier.

Mission types like; Recon, Clean sweep, Protect items/humans, Patrol and more

other thing i am working on: If during a  patrol mission in to unkown area's, and things looks safe the Russian amry will make more camps into Chenobyl. When things don't looks safe and the enemy or zombies will actack the camp and you unit and you can't hold it you will lose a safe area and have to fight it back in the next mission. little bit like command&conquer :b

PROBERLY needed (it is just int he planning fase)

an zombie pack


Cpt. FrostBite's NBC Units skipped! I wouldn't uese these/

My e-mail; [email protected]

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What Zombie pack will you use? I suggest maybe FML HP3.

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I coulf try and help with the missions.

And I reccomend keeping addons to bare minimum.

Check out BMI Blackops. They have cool chemical warfare soldiers blackops (Not specific countries units, like mercenaries or something)

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I coulf try and help with the missions.

And I reccomend keeping addons to bare minimum.

Check out BMI Blackops. They have cool chemical warfare soldiers blackops (Not specific countries units, like mercenaries or something)

well W0lle have me the same advice biggrin_o.gif

well i was thinking about a mission pack

i am not good with making a campaign

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Those NBC units are horrible tounge2.gif


I'll play. And maybe make a few mission for you to look at and/or include in the "misson pack" if you like...

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my first patrol mission is just 70% done.....

I will put more civillians who are fleing to the camp.

and the patrol time should be 40 - 60 seconds maybe more. I hope W0lle can help me with it.

i will see u on msn tonihgt, i think.

small change in idea

other thing i am working on: If during a patrol mission in to unkown area's, and things looks safe the Russian amry will make more camps into Chenobyl. When things don't looks safe and the enemy or zombies will actack the camp and you unit and you can't hold it you will lose a safe area and have to fight it back in the next mission. little bit like command&conquer :b

What do you think about it?? icon_rolleyes.gif

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I've downloaded this mod, but I can't get it to work. Clicking on any option (other than single mission or campaign) in the main menu instantly crashes OFP! Are there any required addons? I can't read the russian readme file.

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Thank you, it runs perfectly now!

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bennie the link for video doesn't work.

by the way how the missions coming???

if anybody know's of any other missions for the mod leave a link plz.

cheers biggrin_o.gif

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Nightstalkers mod which can be downloaded is for OFP. But the author is now working for ArmA (Shadow of Namalsk)

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The campaign is only in cz!! How do I play it? I'm italian and do not understand a single word . sad_o.gif

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Well, that should be problem. I dont think the author will make english stringtables for OFP. He is now working for ArmA, so there is a chance he will make english version whistle.gif When I will meet him, I am gonna ask him about that.

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holy cow i forgot crazy_o.gif i will look in my HD for the missions and clue it together....

too many projects in mind.....

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