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No explosion

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I brought ArmA when it was released and have had time today to give it a go, after installing the latest 1.05 patch.

I made a quick mission via the builder in which I was a sniper and the shot the pilot of a helicopter, sure enough the chopper went down, but did it explode when it hit no!, the chopper is made of rubber and bounced back in the air, what a great defence technology I said to myself.

So whats with that?

With a game that looks so nice to look at but with rubber helicopters sad_o.gif

Is it a bug?

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Never seen that

could you try and recreate it on the same position and after that on a different position? Maybe there are some tactical placed trampolines in the area whistle.gif

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I've seen it happen quite a few times, actually.

In one case, I was a gunner and my pilot was killed at an altitude of maybe 100m. The helicopter crashed without incident, I survived and dismounted then escaped.

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Would you believe it I cant recreate that now, now they do explode, it must have been a strategicaly placed set of trampolines after all smile_o.gif

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which chopper was it?

The AH-6 and MH-6 rarely ever explodes when they fall off the sky... except when it's like really high up.

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