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SA-9, Carrier, and AH-6(Don't forget the Hueys)

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BIS, we need them, you want them, you need the money, make a deal!

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The SA-9 would be a cool weapon...but we want a Rapier too for the west...not that I'm one of those that scream for equality, but if the ruskies get a Surface to Air missile system then the Yanks should too.

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It depends what aircraft are on the carrier. Planes like F-14s, F-15s, F-16s and F-18s I couldn't see much use for...at the speeds they travel at they'd cover the map area in less than a few seconds...let alone the island itself. Something like an A-6 Intruder or an AV-8B would be nice...but even they might be a little bit too fast. I also hope they don't fall through deck.

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Harrier II has a max speed of about 600 or so I thought...

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The Harrier ll can fly nearly at mach 1 (1100 km/h).

Other planes like the F-16 or F-18 can fly at mach 2 but usual traveling speed is at mach 1 or below because flying faster would need the afterburner and take too much fuel. Speed for dogfights is usually 350 to 450 knots (below mach 1)

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Yeah, the Harrier is pretty quick compared to an A10, especially the GR.7, but of all the planes that are often mentioned its probably the only one that would be usable and different from the A10 and Su25.

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You're right, but the F-16 and F-15 cn't take off carriers in reality.

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The A-10 is an ideal plane in OFP. Not only does its presence as a close-support attack aircraft fit the scenario as a 'tank-killer' in a soldier simulation, but it's specs an performance seem ideally suited to the engine and maps.

The maximum speed of the A-10 in the game is (I believe) 699km/hr (or at least I haven't got it over that) and the real maximum speed (or the bok in front of me suggests) is 681km/hr. So an island could be traversed in about 20 seconds travelling as fast as you can go from start to finish.

An F-16, for example, would be a great plane to fly. But I couldn't see it fitting the game scenario too well. Not being a plane expert I couldn't state any scenarios or typical mission roles of an F-16, but I wouldn't have thought it would be stationed on such outposts or have much use in the situation. The max speed of the F-16 is a little over Mach 2 (Mach 2.05) which is 2172km/hr. So travelling at full speed one of the islands could be covered in 6.2 seconds, which I am sure you all would agree is too fast for effective use. But then Mach 2 is not enguagement speed, so the speed could be reduced to say, 700km/hr max for the game (with a little sacrifice of realism). The same could be said for over carrier based multi-role fighters such as the F-14 and the F-18. Aircraft such as an F-15 wouldn't fit due to it being a air-superiority fighter which I fail to see a use for in OFP.

One craft I pointed out as a possibility was the Grumman A-6 Intruder. This would make an interesting addition in my opinion as a carrier based aircraft. It does, however, have a rather fast top speed of nearly Mach 1, which would cover an island in just over 13 seconds. What the BN would do is also an issue for its introduction into the game...maybe his role could be as a gunner. I also suggested the AV-8B Harrier. The Harrier is (is suspect) coming to OFP with the data disc in March/April from VBS. It would make a very interesting addition due to its VTOL capabilities. But again it has a high top speed of 1083km/hr (covering an island in little over 12 seconds).

Just a few thoughts....Jubs

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The F-16 is designed for combat air patrol I think so it wouldn't be useful in OFP.

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Well officially it is a 'Multirole air-combat fighter with advanced ground attack capability', but what that means is open to interpretation...

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Well of course, if we are going to go off on a tangent as to the aircraft of on carriers, we are going to need S-3 Vikings, E-2 Hawkeyes, SeaKings and Sea Stallions...

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An f-16 has to fly very high to reach full speed (I think 10 km or so, the air is much thinner there)

At low altitude it doesn't fly much faster than an harrier ll, it would take too much fuel to speed it up at mach 1,5 or higher.

They only use the afterburner to acelerate or in emerency cases.

A F-16 can carry 6 or 8 Mavericks, LGB's (Laser-Guided bombs)

Clusterbombs, Napalm and more. The ground attack capability of an F-16 is nearly as good as the one from the A-10.

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dudes we are going to get all vehicles of Independence Lost

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Well I don't know if we'll get all the vehicles from VBS...that hasn't been promised to us. And all that we can be sure that is in VBS is what is already in OFP plus, UH-1Ns, AAVs, AAAVs, AV-8Bs, Sea Stallions (and I assume Super Stallions), Ospreys, LAV25s, a Carrier of some kind and a load of more troops. I expect there is more in VBS...or else how could they have battles with different armies. But there is no sign of any fast multi-role jets....but who knows...?

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I can't believe no one has mentioned this. WE NEED A BIGGER MAP!

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A large tropical island would be cool. I saw a screenshot of some Super Cobras flying over one. an LAV for IL would be cool but they are a lot like the M2A2 but its amphibious

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