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New command "addVehicle"

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Since 1.05 BIS has added the command addVehicle. Unfortunately the Biki doesn't tell you what it actually does.

Does anyone have an idea?

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Thx for the reply.

So does it add all units inside the vehicle to the group? Because adding an empty vehicle doesn't make sense at all.

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Yes it does, but not the units assigned as cargo unless they are already grouped with the units from the vehicle.

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I've been testing use of this command without seeing any apparent effects. The above description by Skaven certainly doesn't work in 1.14.

Does anybody got any idea what this command actually does?

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I think the command is working correctly.


Build a group of soldiers, give the leader a move-waypoint to a place far away and place an empty truck near the group.

->The group will move by foot to the waypoint.

Now the same scenario again - but add the truck by the addvehicle-command to the group.

->Now the group will use the truck to reach the waypoint.

I think it depends on the distance to the following waypoint whether a added truck will be used or not - looks like the truck is used if the distance between leader and the next waypoint > 200 m.

It's possible that an added truck isn't used at first because the next waypoint is too near; but after reaching the waypoint and realizing that the following waypoint is too far away (> 200m) the soldiers run back, board the vehicle and move to the waypoint. biggrin_o.gif


Edit:typo  crazy_o.gif

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@Master85, I too did a test as it sounded useful and I queried the "assignedVehicle" of the group members. It was "<NULL-object> before but also after adding a vehicle using addVehicle. So maybe it works but not from a script perspective.



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@ VictorFarbau

I think the addvehicle-command only shows the ai-leader that he may/should use this vehicle (and I think there's no way to check for an added vehicle).

An ai-leader will then automatically assign his units to the vehicle and let them board it (only if he thinks that's necessary).


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@Master85, I too did a test as it sounded useful and I queried the "assignedVehicle" of the group members. It was "<NULL-object> before but also after adding a vehicle using addVehicle. So maybe it works but not from a script perspective.



I guess assignedVehicle is the counterpart to assignAsX (x = driver, gunner, commander, cargo). wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the info Master85, I've updated the BI wiki description and added some notes.

This command seems only to be of use on AI led groups. The AI leader assigns his group to vehicles (which gives values to assignedVehicle & assignedVehicleRole).

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@raedor, yes, it was pure speculation that the vehicle might pop up as "assignedVehicle" and it didn't work out.

So this function is really only useful if you leave the rest to the AI system.


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