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Next patch - when?

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Hi all

In reply to Overdosed

Asking about patch 1.07 is a bit like the kid in the back of the car saying "Are we there yet?"

That said we do not usually rip the kiddies head off for saying it all though we might feel like it.

The work will take as long as it takes and having to answer a question that cannot really be answered other than with the answer "How long is a piece of string?" does not get the next patch and upgrade out any quicker, in fact it slows it up by exactly how much time it takes to answer the question.

Mixing in a comment about what you think are the priorities for what needs fixing has no result what so ever.

If you want a bug fixed you need to post in the bug tracker. That is after all its purpose.

I do not think you have done anything bad but you perhaps need to consider how best achieve your aims, and aiming one bullet in two different directions may cause you to miss both wink_o.gif

as to Ange1-0f-De4th

If you post like that I expect you will get PRed and warned. Throughout your post there is not one bug report just vague accusations.

I speak with some authority when I say that the military market is extremely expensive and hard to break into and in the end not as valuable as the games market which is several orders of magnitude bigger than the military simulation market.

I think BIS see games and military as a synergistic market the gamers gain a lot from the military input.

According to your profile you joined Mar. 05 2007,22:30 and in that time you have made 11 posts.

At least one of which is a copy of the same post you made here and you yourself in the post allude to it being one of many identical posts. I can see nothing to make me believe you are doing anything more than trolling and spamming.

If you have genuine problem you need to approach it differently.

If you have bug to report do so in the Bug Tracker that way it can be prioritised to be fixed.

If you need help with a tweak or something you are not sure of use the trouble shooting thread. There are many people in the community who will help you, if you will let them.

If you wish to complain there is an official complaints thread set up by a member of the community. Use it then your voice will have the advantage of anyone else who who feels as you do and is no longer a lone voice in the wilderness as you seem to feel.

If you have a problem similar to an existing group of members; use the thread they started and add your weight to it, that will raise its profile and remember to post your bug report in the bug tracker.

I am very sorry your experience with ArmA is not as good as mine on both low and high spec machines. I hope that your experience improves with additional patches and some tweaking of your system.

Kind Regards walker

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I'm giving up on this game forever.

I hope you do.

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry. I misread that. I take that back dude.

But I still say ban Ange1-0f-De4th.

That would only make his words true.  

No EA game is this buggy, you must admit it.  

Who cares about the patch anyway.  The question is when can they fix the important issues and get this game lifted from its fall of doom.  

I don't care about pacthes anymore, If gameplay is not fixed by the American release, I'm giving up on this game forever.

If only you knew how much those guys are overworked and how tight deadlines are with their company culture, you would also then come to realise how many shortcuts they are forced to take. They make some great games, but also make them under a much greater deal of pressure than a lot of other developers. Maybe not a bad thing, but surely not a good thing either. I always like to see games showing their full potential..

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I think we are eager for a patch because for a lot of people the game has become unplayable for MP.

If we want to play SP we can re-install our 1.04 copies and get the performance we lost back.

For MP you need to stay up to date.

The people who have seen no performance decrease are very lucky, the decrease will be there but you just arent noticing it as it runs good for you anyway.

I was wanting to ask the when question myself but thought it too soon so im glad someone else has broached the subject.

I hope if it is coming it comes pretty soon. Im wasting my time playing arma at the minute..its just too dissapointing with strobing grey buildings sad_o.gif

I agree with you.

We are not rushing anything, we just want to play. We paid for it, and now we want to play.

Its really great that you didn't have any problem with the game. But PLEASE RESPECT US. We are having a lot of problems, me and other people can't play the game anymore, not because of the simple bugs, but because the texture problem.

We only need BIS to come to us and tell what they are doing about it. We don't wanna be treated like idiots, that hate bis, or whatever.

I think that if half of the people that posted here angry with the angel of death, had the same problems that he is having, and others problems, that me and other people are having, you wouldn't post what you guys posted.

Its easy to criticism us, because some lost their patience. But try to stay in our position. What would you do?

Once again we just want to play.

The newer patch insted of help us, just turned the game unplayable for us. We need a new patch to fix it. We are not asking for a huge, patch. Only a patch that wi'll turn the game playble again.

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Closing thread. You'll hear about the next patch when its ready.

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