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Typhoon over Rahmadi

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TYPHOON OVER RAHMADI - Version 1.21 – 12th April 07

A SP mission by Plasman



You and your team-mate will be inserted at night by boat. Your mission - if you accept it ;)- will be to destroy 2 radar stations, then to move to the extraction zone and get onboard the boat.

Main Features:


> Intro / Outro : Yes (short) / Yes (Very short)

> Side : BLUFOR

> Number of soldiers : 2 (Saboteur SF and Recon SF)

> Language: English

> Weapons choice : Yes (M4A1 SD, MP5SD or AKS74UN selectable in briefing)

> Equipment : NVG, Binoculars, map, compass.

> time of the day : 19:40 hrs

> Weather : Cloudy

> Difficulty = Challenging

> 2 main objectives

> 2 optional objectives

> 1 extraction

Additional info:


Suitable for ArmA Version 1.04+

No addon required

This mission uses Kronzky's stupendous Urban Patrol Script (http://kronzky.info/)



Copy the Typhoon_over_Rahmadi.intro.pbo into ArmA's Missions file

The path should be C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\Missions

Changelog version 1.1:


Added a new secondary objective

Added weapons choice

Improved AI reactivity

Added more enemy units

Added outro sequence

Corrected a few minor bugs

Changelog version 1.2:


Improved the AI reactions

Corrected a bug regarding prisoners liberation

Improved the intro a bit

Corrected some English mistakes (thanks to Mandrake5 for his help)

Changelog version 1.21:


Added a few enemies (just in case you needed some more wink_o.gif)

Deleted a (useless) cutscene

Fixed a problem with the rescue boat

Fixed a problem with the MG (deleted the fortress)



This mission is a freeware and shall not be distributed/used (in whole or in part) for any commercial purpose.

This mission may only be re-distributed in its entirety, complete with this "ReadMe" .pdf document.

This mission is not an official Bohemia Interactive Studio mission. Use it at your own risk. BIS and I cannot be held responsible in any way for damage oF any kind consecutive to the use of this mission. Nor can we be held responsible for any problems encountered in installing or using this mission.

All characters and events portrayed in this mission are fictionous and any appearance with reality would be strictly casual.

Download links :


Armaholic website (thanks Foxhound smile_o.gif ):


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i am getting an error message when i click the link for the mission 'desole, une erreur s'est produite...'

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i am getting an error message when i click the link for the mission 'desole, une erreur s'est produite...'

Oooops huh.gif it seems you need to log-in on the French Forum to be able to download, sorry. I'll try to find an alternate hosting place soon. Thanks your patience.

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I uploaded it there:.

Btw, this mission is pretty hard to play because of new nvg (1.05)... sad_o.gif .

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The Mission has been updated to Version 1.1 :

Changelog fm version 1.00 :


Added a new secondary objective

Added weapons choice

Improved AI reactivity

Added more enemy units

Added outro sequence

Corrected a few minor bugs

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Just to advise you that version 1.2 of Typhoon over Rahmadi has been released on Armaholic.

Download link :


v1.2 changelog :

- Improved the AI reactions

- Corrected a bug regarding prisoners liberation

- Improved the intro a bit

- Corrected some English mistakes (thanks to Mandrake5 for his help)

I took this opportunity to post some screenshots :






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thanks for sharing this mission with us, and for taking the time to create it.

I like it and have made some of my own edits so i can play it more the way i prefer...i changed it to daytime and added a few more playable units so i could team respawn more than once :-)...oh yea also added some weapons boxes on the insertion beach so when the mission starts i can choose to play it with whatever gun i wish each time.

Theres only 6 or 7 single player missions so far that ive kept and play regularly ( i prefer short missions)...yours is one of them ive held onto and play alot...so thanks again!

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Well thanks for your nice feedback. I'm pleased you enjoyed the mission .

Much like you I prefer short missions with only a few units on the players' side but with good replay value. That's what I intended to do with Typhoon over Rahmadi.

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trying it out..

wish me luck ..

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Not yet. Will work on it. Anyway the number of players would be limited to two people. Will have to add more enemies for balance purpose : two humans are supposed to be smarter than a single human + AI played, aren’t them biggrin_o.gif

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Nice mission. Yet to complete it but really like it. Like the small touches like having a civilian car drive up (after I had just shot down one of the Mi's), and alot of patrols which is nice (survived on the most part due to AA having the AIs commands shouted verbally). Had alot of fun, killing lots of slags and begining to hate camp fires. Two things I did notice though: I didnt like the clip when you get near the howitzer, it showed the enemys positions around it and if I were in a fire fight could of got screwed; also nitpicking, the MG in the fortress at the howitzer needs moving forward slightly as at the moment aiming to the right has it just shooting the sandbags instead of the target, but only just so looks like you're aimed over the top of the wall.

Liked the music when e.g. getting near the radar.

You can't really tell from the screenshot, but was a nice scene, watching this guys following the hill up, silhouetted against the sky.


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Thanks your feedback and remark regarding the howitzer cutscene. Will delete this cutscene in the next version. Will also try to slightly move the MG.

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I really like your mission. I'd like to offer a few comments.

Playing on Veteran level it's pretty bloody difficult. It seems whenever you shoot somebody you stir up a hornets nest.

This tends to make me play a stealth strategy where I shoot only when absolutely necessary and then lie low afterwards until all the excitement has died down.

The problem, however, is that the mission seems to time out (evac boat killed) after roughly 50 - 60 minutes which isn't anywhere enough time to complete the mission using stealth. The timer forces you into playing an aggressive, up front style which is extremely hit and miss. All my attempts have had short, unhappy endings.

So in summary, I love the mission but I'd like it a lot more if you could drop the timer and give the player ample time to execute a stealth approach.



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Thanks for your comments. I’m pleased you enjoyed the mission.

[spoiler: ]

Your stealth strategy is indeed the good one. I tried (it’s not perfect however) to have the AI reacting logically. You can of course shoot a few guys without attracting too much attention, but as the other guards are supposed to be all equipped with tactical radios they will eventually realise their comrades are not answering and will investigate. So you’ll have to be both stealthy and quick. And of course (big spoiler warning) destroying the radars will put a lot of people on your tracks, so their destruction must by carefully timed if you want to get out alive.

Will fix the problem with evac boat destruction in a future (version 1.3) release. Thanks your patience.

To do list :

- MG placement

- Howitzer cutscene to be deleted

- Fix the evac boat destruction

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Thanks for the prompt reply. You've done a great job with an immersive, tense mission.

Looking forward to 1.3



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