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Random Crashing

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Amd Athlon 64 3700+ 2.2ghz

Ati Radeon X800 XT PE (currently running Omega Drivers, latest)

Crucial PC3200 1gb Ram.

AsRock SATA 939 board.

Sound Bog Standard mobo Ac97 chipset

Well, having just bought the 505 version of ArmA from amazon a few days ago i'v had random crashes from the very start.

Seems to run ok for a few minutes then occasionally the game will just freeze and the hd led stays constantly lit although no hd activity can be heard. Monitor doesnt go blank, just the last frame from the game can be seen. What could the problem be?

I have tried the latest Catalyst 7 drivers and the previous 6.x drivers with no luck so i tried the Omega drivers today and there does seem to be a bigger increase in performance although i havent measured fps yet. Everything else imaginable i have tried.. mobo driver update, latest runtime of dx, soundcard.. All 3d settings have been adjusted.. i maybe though it could have been the ati overdrive affecting it, nope.. still crashes sometimes.. and could someone tell me what the "destroyed" texture should look like? Rusty texture?



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Hello, this sounds like a problem I encountered a year ago when running any game. Does it just do it with ArmA or other games? If it does, try this link http://www.trendmicro.com/cwshredder/ . It's a little virus remover that checks and deletes if you have the dreaded Cool Web Search hijacker on your computer. This sucker has caused me nothin but head aches (blank screens ,random crashes...). I thought it was hardware related until I found this sucker. Anyways... sorry for the longwinded reply.

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Hmm... If you're running texture detail on High or VHigh try turning it to Normal or Low.

I had a similar problem with my X1950 PRO but i get a black screen and PC would reboot.. but just a suggestion...

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Hi, thanks for the suggestions so far wink_o.gif

Tried settings at Low, normal and every other possible setting and scanned for viri.

I tried setting the page file a bit bigger and letting the system manage, still nothing. Defragged my HD's. It just seems to play along nicely then just freezes for no reason a couple of times it hasnt had the HD led on constantly so i think its todo with these X800's

I see other people are having probs with there X800's too... sad_o.gif

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