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No Ping in Server Browser!

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I was wondering if someone could asnwer a question for me.

Using the in-game browser of the most recent demo I noticed something odd about the reported pings for some of the servers.

Instead of an actual number, the browser displays a question mark.

I have noticed that within our LAN, this is not an issue with our dedicated server, but once I switch the browser to Internet, it comes up with the question mark.

Any advise would be welcomed. icon_rolleyes.gif

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This is most likely caused by a very strict firewall, which does not allow for some queries needed to get a ping information.

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3 rectangles!!!!!

but with 505 version it has been changed to actual ping numbers! wink_o.gif

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Suma: What kind of queries. I run the server on port 2302 and have opened TCP and UDP from 2302-2305 and I allow the firewall to be (ICMP) pinged.

How does the browser estimate latency?

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Was over at a friends place and helped him get ArmA 1.04 running and noticed the same thing in his server browser (ports 2302-2305 opened). Any way to get this working without the need of a new router?


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A different router won't help. We need to know what protocol and if applicable, what ports it uses.

They might include the IP of the server in the payload making the clients trying to ping that address insted of the WAN IP which certainly would be a stupid way to do it since NAT is very common. However I have no indications of this, neither do I get anything in my firewall log, so I have no idea of how this works...

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A different router won't help. We need to know what protocol and if applicable, what ports it uses.

Any luck with this?

I have the same problem.

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